I have a medical degree.... and I can tell you that Mark suffers and has always suffered since day one from being here from a syndrome known in the medical field as hypochondriac syndrome.

Don't laugh! It's a VERY serious syndrome known as thinking everything is the end of the world and more serious than it really is to get the pity and attention of others just for the sake of saying something! Common symptoms include over-exaggerating, self diagnosis that are always incorrect, making up symptoms and the dreaded pity parties! The only known cure for hypochondriac syndrome is to seek a real medical professionals opinion so they can laugh and give you a special hat.
Mark, just for some education for you.... :roll: The carpal tunnel is bound by bones and ligaments, a narrow passageway located on the palm side of your wrist. This tunnel protects a main nerve to your hand and the nine tendons that bend your fingers. Compression of the nerve produces the numbness, tingling and, eventually, hand weakness that characterize carpal tunnel syndrome. VERY rarely is it debilitating enough to cause weakness so severe to where it would cause an issue with gripping a bat at your age of 30 that couldn't be cured with some good old fashioned Aleve ( Naproxen ), Tylenol or Ibuprofen. The most common causes of carpal tunnel are Inflammation and swelling around the tendons, Fluid retention (e.g., during pregnancy) * Have you been Preggo Mark?

, Wrist fracture and dislocation, Degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Tumor and Aberrant anatomy. Of course there are more... but these are common causes. Typing at a keyboard in an office is or working on an assembly line are actually not as common of causes as people think and many people who contract it usually have done neither. You can get some relief by shaking your hand... ( Just FYI ) Wear a splint at night when you sleep... If you were diagnosed with it... you would have been told to do so. Also Mark, There is no consensus reference standard for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Meaning, a medical professional ( Hand surgeon in this case ) doesn't just say, "Yup, you have carpal tunnel syndrome." It has to be ruled out that it isn't anything else through a series of movement tests and other annoying tests. Not to mention to add on Mark, if you REALLY had carpal tunnel that severe that prevented you from that, I sincerely doubt you'd be on the computer as much as you are on this site.... Just throwing that out there... Carpal tunnel that severe is unbelievably painful... So could you do us all a favor and the people who have real things wrong with them and stop? We've all been onto your stuff for a while now... clearly.
Also, you were fine and dandy to go practice and then all of the sudden you come back and can't do it? So your doctor ( hand surgeon ) didn't tell you that you couldn't participate in these activities? ( Which if you were REALLY diagnosed they would have mind you. ) But you come back an hour or so later and suddenly say you can't do it? Oh, okay... :roll: Hypochondriac syndrome must be acting up again, you should get to the ER, stat.
But you have fun with that.