Ugh, I think they started in late January or February. I bought it ( Yes bought as in I own this darn thing ) brand new but there was a flaw the HoA found ( because my neighbor fell through her top balcony because of a structural flaw, breaking both of her legs and some other bones...

Poor lady! ) * These are 3 story condos with one balcony off our living room and one off our master bedroom * They tore out the wall off my living room and the one off my master bedroom ( I posted pictures in a thread somewhere on here back when ) and put up temporary walls and scaffolding that made our condos look condemned.

They now have the temporary walls down but they are still in the process of finishing them and painting / sanding them and still have to re-lay the carpet and make it look like nothing happened. There is dust everywhere... EVERYWHERE!!! Not to mention they tore out some of my kitchen ( my island in my kitchen ) because they found bad wood in the kitchen too... 3000 SQ foot condo reduced to 1100 sq ft or something stupid like that.... either way, there is paint tracked through my house and it's one big wreck... I'm beyond livid. If I could hear on a regular basis, I'd be PI**ED... they are constantly banging and drilling 9am-5pm Monday-Friday... My neighbors are LIVID... I can't blame them. All of the units are 3 bedroom 2.5 -3.5 bath depending on which you bought... So most have large families... ( I live alone thankfully. ) So it's not THAT big of a deal to me except the large dusty mess that is upsetting me... but can you imagine those large families? Oh man... I feel bad for them more than myself... So yes, the balconies are up and rebuilt, the permanent walls are up, but they are not done finishing them, painting, my carpet needs to be replaced ( Which they WILL be doing whether they like it or not ) and they WILL be cleaning my place... whether they like it or not... that place was spotless before they came in there ripping crap apart!

I could go on for hours!!!

*Mocks father* Buy a new condo in this gated community Mew, it's brand new!!! Nobody has ever owned it and it has maintenance included! Since it's new, you're not going to have any issues! *mocks more* BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Yeah, thanks dad... :roll: I give him crap every time I see him.... every... time... and will... forever.... and ever....

Seriously though, I'm shaking just thinking about it. There's talk of a class action lawsuit but I'm unsure of the whole thing and what the community is putting together.

All I know is I'm P***ED and I'm not being reimbursed squat!

No, they didn't offer to send me to a hotel or give me a check or anything for my inconvenience....

Jerks... ( Keep in mind, this is just MY unit of 3 condos... there are like 120 units in my community they have to redo... )