I've had a very bad weekend, first my motorcycle leaves me stranded, so out of desperation, I asked my parents to come pick me up, but I later found another means of getting home, but they didn't get that message and showed up here. The lady at the dorm staff desk came to my room and told me my parents were outside looking for me.
So I ended up with very little choice but to come out to my father. He took the news WAY better than I thought, but asked me if I were gay. I told him I was afraid for years to tell him because of all the anti-gay stuff he said and made him understand, I'm not gay in the sense he's thinking, but being a complicated issue, I didn't press it. My mother still doesn't know and I'm planning to come out to her the next time I see her.
Still sad my father said he'd only disown me if I were gay. He asked a few questions, but I think he was under the impression that I were simply a cross dresser and I told him I was already on hormones for months.
The next day in the car when my mother was in the rest area's bathroom, he asked if I planned to get the surgery and I was honest and told him that I would if I could ever afford it.
He did try to guilt me about me trying to get my name changed, but that name doesn't fit me and is the name of someone else.
I ended my weekend playing Ingress, but being in a rural area in the evening, everything was closed and I had to use the bathroom badly, so I was in a rush to get back, but got pulled over and got my first ticket. Not sure how I'm going to pay for the ticket, I'm out of money.