Just mine....

It's 4000 square feet, ( 3 stories ) They have to start from top to bottom. Two balconies, half the kitchen, half the master bedroom, half the living room, all of the windows and anything else that screams omg this is bad.

The original builders I guess used sub-par lumber and parts, so my neighbor fell through her balcony and broke her legs.

I feel terrible for her, but she's okay.
I'm sure they don't want another lawsuit. So they're being thorough. After they rebuild everything ( replace the wood, re-do the balconies ect ect ) they have to fix the inside, ( my carpet they ripped up, my cabinets they ripped off the walls, my island they took out of my kitchen!

My half bath plumbing, my tile they tore up, my carpet in my master bedroom they ripped up, the drywall in places they tore it out to put in the temporary ugly white plastic wall of death, all the outside to repaint, re-plaster, make it look exactly as it did before cosmetic wise. Not a short process, I'm sure. Not pleasant for me.... I hate them....