What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Well I guess if you chain him up you can keep him :D

Looks that way , some guys find it a turn on and it's working :laugh2: Is it part of the trilology?
Looks that way , some guys find it a turn on and it's working :laugh2: Is it part of the trilology?

I haven't read them, just heard about them and they got the whole s&m thing going on. But if you chain him up he can't get away :laugh2:
Yeah it's much better than bejeweled blitz and the like you have goals, they got harder, a lot harder. I'm on level 290. Yikes and I haven't thrown my phone across the room so I guess I'm doing okay. :)

mobile game?
i like dead trigger lol
what IS s&m ? what is it do anyone here do s&m ? fashion sport?
what IS s&m ? what is it do anyone here do s&m ? fashion sport?

uhhhh look S&M up on urban dictionary ... might want to look up D/s too it falls into the same category
You've been on urban dictionary I see LOL :laugh2:
Wondering where that "gun thread" on here is I cant seem to find it anywheres ugh
How much I am loving the long weekend. It is hot out now (hot by MN standards, it's about 85 right now) but took the dogs for walks twice today, drinking some wine right now. And I still don't have to go back to work until Monday !!
Thinking how funny that my hubby went out with my brothers and a group of guys with one of them being an ex date tonight to a stripper club. I love how my husband doesn't have a jealous streak about my ex date. :)
I'm thnking about "Hairy and the Hendersons" I wonder why :laugh2:
bec of all this trilogy talk?:giggle:

No its something different .... I forgot about the trilogy sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat lol :laugh2:
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