Man, the guy on Intervention last nite had a rough life...just like me. He had rare eye condition and have dyslexia..when he was in six grade, he was on first grade readin level. His father was very hard on him in very cruel way. After he dropped out of high-school, he became an alcoholic..when 22, he was diagnosed blind, legally blind..he only have 3 feet of eyesight. Anyway, he got a job teachin kids with disabilities after finishin rehab. What Im sayin is I know what he went through. He developed anxiety and panic attack. He self-destructed and so did I but not bad as him,though. I did cocaine, hard booze,marijuana,LSD, crystal meth,etc... Today, Im very good citizen.

The guy was drinkin 130 beers weekly, that's 18.5 beers a day.

...didnt have to worry about him drinkin and drivin, b/c he cant see anyway.

...I had my fair share of drinkin.

Today, I cant stand the stuff..never want to live the lifestyle..I've witnessed things I wish I hadnt. I cant believe Im standin here stronger than ever. Im at peace with myself.

Know what? Im extremely lucky Im still here...smh