What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Thinking how beautiful it is to get out of house. All the trees are blooming. Cherry and plum trees mostly.

My leg is strong enough so I went to the store by myself. Did really well until I spilt my whole soda at the checkout.

Might take Marley for a short walk if the mosquitos leave me alone.

And here I am waiting for our first snowstorm for this winter. Expecting 4-8" last I checked.

same here... expecting up to 4" snowstorm tonight. or tomorrow.
And here I am waiting for our first snowstorm for this winter. Expecting 4-8" last I checked.


Some of you have had a really hard winter. I really don't know how you do it with all that snow. I am cold, sitting with a blanket and Marley and it is 60 degrees outside.

Before you know it we will be complaining about how hot it is. I know we sure will.

We are hoping for a lot more rain otherwise the lakes will be empty this summer. Hope the rest of March and April brings us some good storms.
i am about to start asl classes and i want to write a book on deaf culture and so forth. i need information from someone who lives in this life. thanks
ps. i hope that i am not bothering anyone by this request of information. i would also greatly appreciate quotes from deaf indivduals to place inside my book.
I've had my mower for years and I bought it used for like fifty bucks... self-propelled and all. Sharpen blades once a year? Pshaw.


Thanks for sharing.

My lawn mower moved out. Hahaha. My son when he was 18!!!!:lol:
Wirelessly posted

A very great weekend ahead , interpreter workshop it will be fun!
My daughter is staying with me a few weeks (not getting along with her mom right now). We like to do things to embarrass each other in public. I'm picturing her at the volley balls games now. "You're pretty. Isn't she pretty, Daddy?" Not that I don't appreciate the help, but she does have a way of making people feel awkward. I'm not sure if she's planning anything; she did bring up that she wants a new book bag (she's 12 and I have her stuck with a Strawberry Shortcake one.) :) Let the games begin!
I'm thinking how hilarious CODA Brothers are! Their Speech Therapy video is so funny!

I agree. i had it on my FB page too. funny they work for zvrs. Any time I make calls, and they were in it. They both are really nice people.
thinkngin about how the liars is going to do another good job in welington yesterday, today and tomorrow, giivng oult some distorted ideas and saying 'its problems' but they wont be open to other ideas, politics is about as much as having stuff on agenda asn it is about keepiing other (unwanted stuffs) off the agenda or attention,.

them bastards!!
i wish David M**** would leave NZ and fly back to where he belongs, in america...
we dont need HIS ideas of giving hearing people ownership of NZSL...grrr what a snake he is
Where do you live ? Our law is buried under a foot of snow.

brrrrrrrrr...remembering when I lived in Newport News, VA. ....snow was 1-2 feet deep...walked down the steps with boots on......and the snow got inside my boots...My tootsies were frozen....
Early break up here in parts of Alaska. Seems strange and wrong to have it melting down so soon. The creek out back is wide open water and there is puddles of muddy water on the roads. It is never a pretty sight in the towns, out of town it is invigorating after all the darkness, cold, and the usual its winter. The sun at last with some good in it.
Spent a pleasant afternoon shooting the breeze with a fellow Arctic worker and looking at the great pictures he had from various jobs. Way different world up there. I don't miss being there. The oil exploration and the wildlife there are not in the kind of conflict environmentalists depict. Yes it is kind of odd to see caribou and polar bears moving across a well site. The animals are on the move doing their thing. The migratory birds come in by the millions and nest just fine, they are far more harassed by the predators that operate methodically nonstop. The owls, the foxes, and so on feeding on them till they get tired then doing it some more. The old razzamatazz about the wolves just taking the sick and weak caribou is more bs. The caribou are like innocent four legged chickens with about as much sense. In fact a chicken is smarter. It is nature like an explosion of activity crammed into a few short months and then it frozen bleak and windblown snow again.
Wirelessly posted

Thinking, I need a drink. I let my 15 year old with a learners permit drive from St Augustine to home. Which is about an hour and 1/2 drive. We made it home. She honestly did not do too bad. Just that coaching her through it has my nerves all rattled.
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