What are you thinking about? Part VI

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I'm not overly fond of the tapatalk set up, I do use it if I want to post a pic though :D I always had to wait to get to my laptop before to do that.

Getting old ;) dislike change
Thinking about how much all my glassware and mirrors are shining....all that winter dust....got the ceiling fans all done too....(no Swiffer, tho'...good ol' hand-cleaning)...wore out...but feels good too! Tomorrow, I'm free and will "keep the roads hot"....:giggle:
Have you thought of adding a physical keyboard via bluetooth? I picked up a small one on Amazon for right around $11. They come on quite a number of sizes and prices on Amazon and eBay.
Didn't know they had them for phones, iPads yes, hmmm I'd have to decide whether I wanted to carry that around with me :) maybe!! Thanks for the tip
I'm not overly fond of the tapatalk set up, I do use it if I want to post a pic though :D I always had to wait to get to my laptop before to do that.

Getting old ;) dislike change

I haven't even looked at it, no clue what it is.
Didn't know they had them for phones, iPads yes, hmmm I'd have to decide whether I wanted to carry that around with me :) maybe!! Thanks for the tip

There are ones from about the same size as an iPhone or Android phone all the way up to a full size computer keyboards. The really small ones have very mixed reviews but it is more a matter of the poor instructions that come with them. On the other hand there are some really good reviews on Amazon that make pairing and connecting easy. Don't hesitate to ask if you have problems or questions. I find the physical keys easier to hit even if about the same size as the on screen ones.
Wondering if femme fatale is only popular because of her looks
About my diabetic cat. Just spent the last 4 hrs at the emergency vet and $1800. Not sure yet what has happened, her blood sugar was so critically low. She's staying there for the next 24 hours. This cat mom is very worried.
About my diabetic cat. Just spent the last 4 hrs at the emergency vet and $1800. Not sure yet what has happened, her blood sugar was so critically low. She's staying there for the next 24 hours. This cat mom is very worried.

Ohhh! Hope your cat will be OK! No fun when someone you love is so sick.
About my diabetic cat. Just spent the last 4 hrs at the emergency vet and $1800. Not sure yet what has happened, her blood sugar was so critically low. She's staying there for the next 24 hours. This cat mom is very worried.

Oh no!!!:grouphug:
Hope your cat gets better. High vet bills is no fun. :(

About my diabetic cat. Just spent the last 4 hrs at the emergency vet and $1800. Not sure yet what has happened, her blood sugar was so critically low. She's staying there for the next 24 hours. This cat mom is very worried.
Hope your cat gets better. High vet bills is no fun. :(

Ditto that....years ago, one of our Cats got feline leukemia...we loved "Whiskey" so much...had a drug flown in from Tallahassee to try to help him survive, but sadly he died anyway....Very expensive, I'm telling you!

Hope ur Kitty pulls thru!
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