What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Went to see our minor league team play today. We lost, but it was fun. And tons of fireworks at the end! Kids did great, too. Really a fun night for them. They had a play pit set up so they ran around that most the time.
im glad you were willing to open your mind and be blended into the Deaf world. some HOH or deaf oral have a hard time blending into the Deaf world because of their attitudes toward to the speaking issue, language and ASL.

Yea, I am fortunate. Yes, I had a little of a hard time adjusting to Deaf culture when I first went to Gallaudet 13 years ago. I am still not very well known like some of my friends who can go to any Deaf event and know practically everyone. My brother is one of them....makes sense as they grew up going to Deaf schools, going to Gallaudet as undergrads and being involved in different clubs for decades. I envy them but I cant dwell on it because I could still be isolated and frustrated in the hearing world. *shudders*
Yea, I am fortunate. Yes, I had a little of a hard time adjusting to Deaf culture when I first went to Gallaudet 13 years ago. I am still not very well known like some of my friends who can go to any Deaf event and know practically everyone. My brother is one of them....makes sense as they grew up going to Deaf schools, going to Gallaudet as undergrads and being involved in different clubs for decades. I envy them but I cant dwell on it because I could still be isolated and frustrated in the hearing world. *shudders*

You don't have to, you know I grew up, and know most of them, but I always enjoy meeting new people that I would know they are good people like you. I do need NEW people sometimes. :lol: Look on the bright side, you have another 40 or more years to go, then everyone will know who you are. For example, I met old friends who know you last summer. :D
Wirelessly posted

My grandson's 1st birthday is tomorrow. There's a family party later today.

He must have been really stressed out about being a year older as he was sick most of the week, though I don't think they ever found out what was making him sick (fever), just eliminated some possible causes.
Also thinking about an interview I have on Tuesday with a prestigious law firm (in the acctg dept). If I get the job it will certainly be a work culture change for me as my last job was someplace where we could wear jeans & sneakers everyday.
How stupid some drivers are! I took out Marty for his afternoon walk and we almost did not made it home. Some idiotic male driver cut us off and almost T boned my car on the passenger side of my car. I had to slam on my brakes and now I ache all over. GRRR!
Wirelessly posted

I go back to work tomorrow after a long break . I am looking forward to it :) start the new fall semester w new and old deaf students.
In process of deleting my Facebook account. I don't keep up with many people on it, and really kid of a downer when I see stuff about people I knew dying or getting cancer. Trying to be more positive about things.
Wirelessly posted

I go back to work tomorrow after a long break . I am looking forward to it :) start the new fall semester w new and old deaf students.

Do have fun and dont work too hard lol :laugh2:
Thinking about deleting my dog's FB page and really cleaning my out. Did a major purge on the friends list and may need to do it again.
Thinking about deleting my dog's FB page and really cleaning my out. Did a major purge on the friends list and may need to do it again.

I enjoy reading Deacon's Adventures, but do what you feel is best for you.
Just thinking....what in the hell can I put down in this thread?
Women are so picky it ain't EVEN funny!!! UGH!!! :mad2:
You don't have to, you know I grew up, and know most of them, but I always enjoy meeting new people that I would know they are good people like you. I do need NEW people sometimes. :lol: Look on the bright side, you have another 40 or more years to go, then everyone will know who you are. For example, I met old friends who know you last summer. :D

Really? There are people out there who know who I am? Yay, I am becoming infamous! lol.

When I used to play in the NSAD yearly, I used to know so many people who went and then I stopped for 8 years. Came back and whoa...I didn't see several of my old friends. Lots of people in their 20s and more and more people with CIs/oral. 8 years ago, I don't remember seeing one CI on any of the players or the fans. This year, so many of them. Was an interesting change but I am glad that the oral deaf are trying to get themselves involved with the Deaf community and learning to sign.
The first question I want to ask women is "do you remember the last time you were bitten by cats and what happened before and after that"?
I'm thinking... it's too early to wear Halloween costumes as I've seen a couple of people wearing costumes at a diner today :dunno:
thinking that I will have a busy year with teaching. I just hope it will be a fun year this time.
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