Thinking how much I hate having plans cancelled at the last minute. Was getting ready to leave for Deaf Coffee Chat and got a text that it was cancelled.
I'm thinking about is an ATV safe for little kids to ride with a parent like 2 years old ? and going in muddy ride on ATV too ? no helmet, no goggles ? Is it safe for the little kids to ride with a parent on ATV ????????
Ive been thinkin about deaf awarness day at Kings Island in Ohio.. Kings Island is amusement park with a lot of big rollar coaster rides. An ole friend of mine mentioned about it on facebook.
I'm thinking of my school workload finally being over for the semester. I like school, but my parents push me very hard and I can't take it anymore. I want to be like a normal college kid without rushing through in 2 years when it normally takes 4 years. Ugg!
I'm thinking about is an ATV safe for little kids to ride with a parent like 2 years old ? and going in muddy ride on ATV too ? no helmet, no goggles ? Is it safe for the little kids to ride with a parent on ATV ????????
recklessme too rock n robin.... i dont understand the child's father.... he don't seem to care at all.. all he thinks about himself and having fun. its not safe for our little girl to be riding on ATV with no helmet and being in muddy water. thats unacceptable....( I'm always worried when shes at her dad. UGH...
Very dangerous unless you stay under 5mph on level ground, all wearing full helmets. Even then, a two-year-old's neck isn't strong enough to support a heavy helmet.I'm thinking about is an ATV safe for little kids to ride with a parent like 2 years old ? and going in muddy ride on ATV too ? no helmet, no goggles ? Is it safe for the little kids to ride with a parent on ATV ????????
In some states, it's also illegal child too rock n robin.... i dont understand the child's father.... he don't seem to care at all.. all he thinks about himself and having fun. its not safe for our little girl to be riding on ATV with no helmet and being in muddy water. thats unacceptable....( I'm always worried when shes at her dad. UGH...
Thinking about how we haven't seen Pretty around in a few days...
Maybe she's too shy to post an ILY pic of herself...
new regime at the gym, seems I've been slacking all this time...