What are you thinking about? Part IV

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thinking how weird is that as soon as the clouds break, it gets soooooo HOT under the sun when it was a sweater-type day yesterday. HUH?
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking about master level zumba class coming up soon.
I am thinking that I am already very anxious to play golf and softball, even though I am not supposed to swing a club for 6 more weeks, or throw a ball for 13 more weeks. At least I am having no more pain in my shoulder that had the surgery. I want to keep it that way though, so I'll just stay dilligent with my physical therapy, allow my shoulder continue healing as good as it has been so far, and maybe come back even stronger than before my surgery.
thinking of our Easter dinner tomorrow. Been cooking and making pies all day....we will eat outside under a big old tree right next to the river.....hoping for the river breeze in the afternoon. So far, 12 people are coming (plus the "Easter Bunny").
MIL is still not feeling good after her fall last week. She will call her doctor Monday to see him. For Easter dinner, we are going non-traditional since she will not be joining us. I do have a little something in case the Easter Bunny doesn't come.
Hope your MIL feels better, KristinaB.

thinking who will watch the Royal Wedding next week. I will!
I'm sort of curious about the royal wedding myself! I think I will watch it too.
The best thing about the Royal wedding was the comedy show "The Middle." The wife was so desperate to watch it, she went out and bought a big screen tv that she planned to return after the wedding, and much hilarity ensued.

That said, I might watch it or just see the news coverage. :)
im wondering whether i prefer the the song smooth criminal by michael jackson, or the remake by alien ant farm...
Not even if they paid me. I can think of a million better things to do,
I'm hoping that it's a good sign that I randomly got a magazine from Smithsonian.

Also got a one dollar check from Miller Lite yesterday in the mail. :lol: Gotta love freebies.
I'm thinking I need to get back out and look for some more Easter eggs with my lawnmower. :D Especially since there's a chance of pop-up thunderstorms this afternoon.
I'm thinking and wishing I had a hot tub for these aching muscles. Ah well, I will muddle through.

Shel, thanks. MIL is still sore from her fall a week ago and tomorrow she will call her doctor for a follow up. He is refusing to refill her prescription for Vicodin.
I'm sort of curious about the royal wedding myself! I think I will watch it too.

All tv channels on Friday night is going to be inundated with Royal wedding!

I haven't thought about whether if I'll watch the wedding. Maybe not. I think I'll only watch the part where Kate walks up the aisle. I want to see the wedding dress! Hehe
Thinking and hoping that the tag office is not too crowded in the morning. My doctor has approved me for handicapped parking. It took the fall I had during the night. He completed the paperwork at the ER.
I'm thinking I love online vouchers.

For example I bought a voucher for $19 for $50 worth of underwear. Good value, eh? :)
I am thinking about these nasty storms headed my way.


:shock: I read on the screen they were having baseball sized hail in Poteau. Not cool and it's headed this way. I may be calling the insurance company in the morning.
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