Miss-Delectable said:Thinking about my cousin's new baby.
From what I hear he weighed in over 10 pounds and measures at 58cm (approx 2 foot long)!
Hope to meet my new second cousin sometimes this year.
Thinking about my cousin's new baby.
From what I hear he weighed in over 10 pounds and measures at 58cm (approx 2 foot long)!
Hope to meet my new second cousin sometimes this year.
earthquakeThinking, "What in the world is going on!!!???" Our floor is vibrating like crazy, but there are no planes overhead, no trucks going by and no thunder. It's beginning to freak me out a little.
Florida don't really get earthquakes.
Thinking, "What in the world is going on!!!???" Our floor is vibrating like crazy, but there are no planes overhead, no trucks going by and no thunder. It's beginning to freak me out a little.