What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Sammy hasn't been joining us lately. Only Tinkerbell. Sammy is now into hiding in the smelly or deep dark spots. By day, he is under son's bed curled around the old sneakers, by night, he is in a corner of the living room with son's hiking boots. Tinkerbell is being the one to crave all the love she can get from me. She's been sleeping curled up next to my chest for the last 6 nights.

I used to have a cat that would fall asleep with his head inside a shoe. usually he picked the stinkiest shoe. To each their own I guess.
I used to have a cat that would fall asleep with his head inside a shoe. usually he picked the stinkiest shoe. To each their own I guess.
My cat likes to "cuddle" with "dirty" clothing because it has my scent on it. She loves her mommy. :)
I am thinking I have way too much anger and frustration to be posting on AD today... :shock:
I think so figure out might to rest calm down!
I am thinking it's not fair I caught a cold in addition to trying to survive this summer. :(
Thinking... I have to make an appointment to get a chest X-ray. I gave a false positive a few years back. Wondering if I should give the skin test another try. :hmm:
Thinking... I have to make an appointment to get a chest X-ray. I gave a false positive a few years back. Wondering if I should give the skin test another try. :hmm:

Next time think negative thoughts while taking the test. I'm sure you will do much better! :lol:

Seriously though, I do hope it comes back with better results next time.
Next time think negative thoughts while taking the test. I'm sure you will do much better! :lol:

Seriously though, I do hope it comes back with better results next time.

I wonder if the negative thoughts works on pregnancy test too. :lol:

and no.... I am not pregnant. Just thought to add that.
what is wrong! you means on cold survive summer !

I am sick. Sneezing and coughing. I have a viral infection.

I mean I hate hot weather. I wish it was not hot, and I was not sick at the same time.
I am thinking there are some strange coincidences going on around here again.
I have hiccups. I'm thinking how annoying they feel.

No you don't! (My daughter told me if you say that to someone, it always makes the hiccups stop. I don't know if it works online.) :lol:
I am sick. Sneezing and coughing. I have a viral infection.

I mean I hate hot weather. I wish it was not hot, and I was not sick at the same time.

me too hot weather I am very numberous because on my stomach something wrong bit fever sweat stranger! I am not sick but I am very bit too much tired because affect to something summer!
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