What are you thinking about? Part IV

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is it ok to drink black tea too? just wonder. I used to love green tea but i start to lose my interest with green tea. :tears: all i care is more antioxident!

I think that all the time. add some milk cuz it's quite bitter
Hoping we don't get rained out again tonight. Already have one rain date (Monday night).
I think so numberous on my stomach wtf I have too much serious water not good stranger!
I am thinking, why am I so depressed today? Seems like something is missing, but not sure what or why. I just know that I have to tell myself it will be alright.
I am thinking, why am I so depressed today? Seems like something is missing, but not sure what or why. I just know that I have to tell myself it will be alright.

I had those "feelings" several times over the years....even telling my friend..."something is missing in my life....I just don't know what it is"...
What's funny is, I know the reason for it, although not the exact root cause for it. Oh how I wish Jillio were here! I need a therapy session majorly!
What's funny is, I know the reason for it, although not the exact root cause for it. Oh how I wish Jillio were here! I need a therapy session majorly!

you don't need Jillio. how about your Bible? :)
you don't need Jillio. how about your Bible? :)

If I could just get my mind to settle down to where I could actually concentrate would be a big help. If I can't get my mind settled down, it's useless for me to try and process things, especially when God's trying to talk to me. He doesn't scream at me anymore, He whispers.
If I could just get my mind to settle down to where I could actually concentrate would be a big help. If I can't get my mind settled down, it's useless for me to try and process things, especially when God's trying to talk to me. He doesn't scream at me anymore, He whispers.

you'll have to try to get your mind settled down on your own because Jillio can't be there all the time. I finally got to the point where I can easily shake it off like rain of duck's feather but it's tough for many because it would make you feel like you're a callous person and nobody likes that feeling.

oh well........ :aw:

but you surely look like you could use some campfire talk. feel free to share with us.

you'll have to try to get your mind settled down on your own because Jillio can't be there all the time. I finally got to the point where I can easily shake it off like rain of duck's feather but it's tough for many because it would make you feel like you're a callous person and nobody likes that feeling.

oh well........ :aw:

but you surely look like you could use some campfire talk. feel free to share with us.

Actually, I don't bother Jillio, but I'm sitting here thinking 'therapy would be nice.' then 'Jillio' just pops into my mind as she's the only therapist I know.

As for campfire talk, it's a long complicated story. I used to be able to shake everything off like a duck. But now? Not so. Have I lost my spine so to speak? I do know that my emotions were calloused over until they were slowly peeled away revealing their tenderness underneath.
Actually, I don't bother Jillio, but I'm sitting here thinking 'therapy would be nice.' then 'Jillio' just pops into my mind as she's the only therapist I know.
oh I wasn't implying that. Just that we all should develop ability to effectively "defuse" it ourselves. I do agree that talking to therapist helps because he/she is teaching us how to do it ourselves. Some don't because they want to make you keep coming back. $$$$

As for campfire talk, it's a long complicated story. I used to be able to shake everything off like a duck. But now? Not so. Have I lost my spine so to speak? I do know that my emotions were calloused over until they were slowly peeled away revealing their tenderness underneath.
I've got all night and looks like a bunch of other ADers too :)
I think I am totally blessed with my therapist. She is from the office I used to work for in Missouri and we do a session over Skype.
green tea with milk? :hmm: I did not try it. If you were sick with cold then should not have dairy like milke. eh.

I think he meant "black tea with milk." Green tea with milk - ew, does not go!

I bought some absolutely delish *white* tea (loose, not tea bags), mixed with berries and orange rinds and such, called "Youthberry" from a company called "Tevana." It is SO good. Very refreshing, hot or iced.
my mom is sick right now she cant walk :( hard to my life!
I think I am totally blessed with my therapist. She is from the office I used to work for in Missouri and we do a session over Skype.

How much does she charge for these Skype sessions?
Dixie, do feel free to talk here if you want, but if you feel led to read the Bible: how about the Sermon on the Mount? "Blessed are those..." and include yourself in every "those" mentioned.


Psalm 91:4
He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust . .

Deuteronomy 33:12
The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between His shoulders.
she is very refused on because doctor, I ask my sister little she siad okay

she not feeling well! I am worried,I am surprised cocern about, she is refused, she is very always stubborn!

That is sad. Nobody in your family can make her go to the doctor?
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