What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I am thinking when will winter did here!! I hate this heat! Is is going to be in the 90's most all of next week!! YIKES!!
Speaking of Shel's situation...how would you feel if you found out that your spouse's flame was on his/her facebook friend's list...would that be kind of awkward, too?

Kinda depends on the situation, I guess, but in most cases, yeah, it would be awkward. And kind of inconsiderate of the spouse as far as the partner's feeling go.
Dang, I wish someone would shave my legs while I sleep. :D

me too only of they are careful! Would not be fun to wake up to stinging pain from nicks!
I am pretty lots of hard work encourage to SMf I am posts native language i strong challenge empower fight to strong!!
Interesting! Hormones, maybe? :dunno: I finally got some hair on my legs and under my arms after the radiation treatments...believe it or not, I was actually excited about it! That lasted about a week. Now I'm back to hating the hard work. ;)

Maybe I should stick to my German roots? Heh.
Our first love always has that effect on us. Turns us into giggling high school girls all over again.:lol:

I wouldn't say it was love becaue our attraction for each other was very highly sexual. Back then, it was all about just ripping each other's clothes off and just get it on. Have you seen the movie "Sex and Other Drugs?" The couple in the movie...that was us. Seeing him today kinda brought back some of those crazy feelings. We had most classes together at Gally and in some of them, it took all of our willpower to keep ourselves restrained. It was a crazy and fun time but I didn't understand what it was at the time since I was still recovering from thye shock and grief of my marriage falling apart. Aha...memories...lol
I wouldn't say it was love becaue our attraction for each other was very highly sexual. Back then, it was all about just ripping each other's clothes off and just get it on. Have you seen the movie "Sex and Other Drugs?" The couple in the movie...that was us. Seeing him today kinda brought back some of those crazy feelings. We had most classes together at Gally and in some of them, it took all of our willpower to keep ourselves restrained. It was a crazy and fun time but I didn't understand what it was at the time since I was still recovering from thye shock and grief of my marriage falling apart. Aha...memories...lol

Hell, at that age, love and lust is all the same thing!:lol:

Everyone should be so fortunate to have experienced that kind of mind blowing passion!:P
Hell, at that age, love and lust is all the same thing!:lol:

Everyone should be so fortunate to have experienced that kind of mind blowing passion!:P

Yea and I started getting emotionally attached to him and wanted more but he didn't. So, as a result..things ended very badly for us. I would love to be friends but he hates me. It is just as well because my hubby knows who he is and our history. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for us to be friends. Too awkward. He is very very well respected in the Latino Deaf community and I have many Latino friends who are friends with him but somehow our paths never crossed until today. I was just surprised it took that long considering the number of mutual friends we have.
Yea and I started getting emotionally attached to him and wanted more but he didn't. So, as a result..things ended very badly for us. I would love to be friends but he hates me. It is just as well because my hubby knows who he is and our history. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for us to be friends. Too awkward. He is very very well respected in the Latino Deaf community and I have many Latino friends who are friends with him but somehow our paths never crossed until today. I was just surprised it took that long considering the number of mutual friends we have.

Well, if you have any left over pent-up lustful thoughts and feelings, then I say take it all out on your husband tonight. :naughty:
But make sure he's not wearing one of his best shirts...you don't want to rip one of those.
But make sure he's not wearing one of his best shirts...you don't want to rip one of those.

If he was wearing his soccer uniform...forget about self-control! Hehehehe
ouch tough I am pretty lots of complication I final sleep because 3 peopel can\t sleep 0_o 3 days wow I told you silly comedy addiction coffee whoa I am shocked!
Well, if you have any left over pent-up lustful thoughts and feelings, then I say take it all out on your husband tonight. :naughty:

i have done that before especially after seeing sexy male legs and butts all day during the summer. Lol

Umm..I had to come back and edit this post because the truth is...it is what's in the front of those shorts that really make me drool more than the legs and butts. Just had to be truthful!
Yet if I bring it up, I would be accused of being "insecure." It's a yucky feeling.

If that happened to me and if I brought it up, iam sure I would be accused of the same as well. Can't win, heh?

Hmmm... Now THAT would not be good! I think either my husband or I could bring up anything with each other without accusing or being accused of "being insecure." We just don't do that sort of stuff, call each other names or insult each other if we bring up an issue.
i have done that before especially after seeing sexy male legs and butts all day during the summer. Lol

Umm..I had to come back and edit this post because the truth is...it is what's in the front of those shorts that really make me drool more than the legs and butts. Just had to be truthful!

Now WHO's being bad ??? ;) :lol:
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