What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Wirelessly posted

Loghead said:
I'm quite frustrated... For a multitude of reasons.

I know how you feel, dealing with a difficult situation in my own personal life.

I'm quite frustrated... For a multitude of reasons.

Oh man don't get me started on frustration....laughing...the sad thing is I really have to accept it right now and try my best not to take it out on others
Frustration.....aggravation....manipulation....had it all yesterday..so I blew up....felt much better afterwards.....letting "off steam" when things really bug ya....as long as you don't punch holes in the wall or hit somebody in the head with a 2x4.....
Wirelessly posted

Loghead said:
Rio said:
I know how you feel, dealing with a difficult situation in my own personal life.

Sorry to hear that, Rio. :(

Yes, gotta find a way to move out! My sis in law acts like the boss this is not even her house! So much going on here, its pathetic!
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Wirelessly posted

Glenn said:
<<----thinking about the typing errors I made on AD today.

For me, the worse part is making grammatical and spelling errors from my tiny keyboard pager.
I'm thinking about my grilled hamburger that I'll be having for lunch. *lick* Right now, I have the charcoal ready and it should be ready to cook in 25 minitues.
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of doing something different with my hair hmmmm
Is that the same as catnip?

I did not click on the link below as I'm typing off my phone, but I think they are somewhat close. What I like about the catmint plant is that it has beautiful small purple flowers all over it while in bloom, and lasts a long time, all the while smelling of mint! I never brought it indoors so I'm not sure how my cats would have reacted to it. Its a very sturdy perennial.
thinking on how these people from interstate complain about canberra and me from canberra. People complain how cold Canberra is. They disgust me.
Thinking it is so hot right now. Think I will take a cold shower just to cool off. It's 82 outside, but the inside thermometer says it 91 in the house. We can't open windows due to MIL and daughter's allergies. A/C is not working and we have 7 fans running.
Thinking it is so hot right now. Think I will take a cold shower just to cool off. It's 82 outside, but the inside thermometer says it 91 in the house. We can't open windows due to MIL and daughter's allergies. A/C is not working and we have 7 fans running.

Get some generic Zyrtec. There is no need to suffer in this modern era.
Get some generic Zyrtec. There is no need to suffer in this modern era.

Daughter takes the generic zyrtec and it does not help for the night time issues. MIL cannot take any allergy meds any longer. they react massively with her other meds. Son, hubby and I take generic Claritin and it's not helping and we cannot take the Zyrtec brand due to bad reactions. Also, the family can't handle the airplane noise all night. Wouldn't bother me. :giggle:
Thinking I shouldn't have posted anything after 6 pm so that it might appear that I "went up". BTW, has anyone heard from Dixie? :shock:

Sorry to be away for so long again. I've been sick most of this past week, but I'm good now. I just felt bad enough that if I wasn't working or taking care of Maddie, I was sleeping. I felt like I had been run over by a live haul truck. I didn't even begin to feel anywhere near normal until Thursday evening. I also lost 8 pounds this week over this crap. Today was the first day I've been able to eat more normally, although my appetite isn't 100% returned yet though. I've been on a Sprite/Gatorade 'diet' most of the week.

Also found out that one of my friends from Tyson was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy as it was so widespread and she will not know until later this week if the doctors removed all of the cancer and whether or not she will need to undergo treatments. I'm hoping she's given the all clear.

On top of that I found out that a cousin of mine has been diagnosed with Addison's Disease. It's a disease that affects the adrenal glands on the kidneys where they do not produce enough hormones and cortisol and thus the immune system sees these glands as foreign objects that must be rejected. My cousin's BP was 60/40 and her HR was anywhere between 40-50 bpms. She will be at the hospital for the remainder of the week to get all of her hormones and bloodwork back to normal and she will be on medication for the rest of her life. If she doesn't take her medication as directed she could die and she's not one that takes medication very well. What makes this worse is that she just finalized a divorce a month ago and she's now a single parent. It's a good thing her sister, mother, and grandmother are all supportive so she's got a good support system to lean on.

Knowing this - I am more thankful for my health than before and I realize my 'crud' pales in comparison to what these two are going through. I tell myself daily - it could be much worse.
Thinking it is so hot right now. Think I will take a cold shower just to cool off. It's 82 outside, but the inside thermometer says it 91 in the house. We can't open windows due to MIL and daughter's allergies. A/C is not working and we have 7 fans running.

Just an idea, how about placing a cold water towel over the fan? maybe it'll help cool down the air?
Dixie, you've had a rough week. :hug:
I hope your friend gets well quickly and your cousin stays on top of her meds.
I'm Thinking About

What I'm thinking about is if anyone can relate to someone who's lost their hearing completely only four years ago. I am learning ASL but it is difficult for me. My spouse is hearing and is now a sign language interpreter. We can communicate but it is harder than before now. If anyone is interested in how I became deaf, pm me and I will share with you my experience so far in life. Sometimes I am happy and sometimes I am not. Maybe I just need more deaf friends.
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