What are you thinking about? Part III

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I will drop on cancel but I still dizzy weird wrong way! difficult I am assurance it! difficult Tomorrow not sure! I will figure out!
jeez PFH... again? :roll:
Maybe PFH should head the "Society for Men with Big Feet" and rally troops to make stairs longer :)
Size 14?....Guess PFH is a "rambling" man.....Bet ur a "kick" on the dance floor, hmmm?...Bet you stumble a lot too....j/k.....:laugh2:
I am thinking in 15 mins will be quitting time :)
I'm thinking about how I'm supposed to be working on projects but am doing laundry instead. Well, that's work too !! :lol:
I am thinking "crap my towels are still in the washing machine!"
Ouch...that had to hurt! Hope your foot gets better, PFH.

I remember doing the same thing but on the base of my foot. Not a pleasant experience.
I'm thinking I wanted to watch "Troy" on the tube, but got out voted by the boys who wanted to watch the football game, Chargers vs Broncos.....with 4 TV's in this house, they gotta watch the flat screen big TV!...
I'm thinking: I few days ago I was complaining that the movie " Percy Jackson: The lightning thief " had cut out a scene from the movie that I loved...in reality there was no scene!!!! Since I read the book AFTER I saw the movie, I used those characters in my mind to bring the book to life...

It happened the same thing to my best friend as well lol
I am thinking i need to take the towels out of the washing machine and put them in the dryer. Lazyness is trying to befriend me apparently.
I am thinking on that Bloomingdale's will call me back already! The waiting is KILLING ME! *pouts*
Thinking it's hard to know when you think somebody is sarcastically funny and you like them, then they write a long paragraph on how much they don't like you.

I can't even recognize my family if I see them in a place I am not expecting them, so it shouldn't be a surprise I am not good at recognizing written emotion.

I am still surprised.
I thought you understand emotions than most of us, botts. It like you can read our mind sometimes :)
I thought you understand emotions than most of us, botts. It like you can read our mind sometimes :)

Really? Maybe I was right about that person then, and they were just having a bad night.

It was sort of a contentious day.
More likely :)

to be honest, I can't tell someone like me either. I don't think any of us can.
is thinking about the word "weird"... Everytime I see it, I think it is misspelled.. but I know it isn't because wierd is look even more weird.
is thinking about the word "weird"... Everytime I see it, I think it is misspelled.. but I know it isn't because wierd is look even more weird.

I think the same o.o

I am thinking that I am really hungry and there is nothing to eat. -starves-
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