I'm thinking... did I pack everything??? I REALLY need a stressfree weekend... should be easy with a 2.5 yr old and a 23 yr old right????
thinking............AD needs some sparks!
I hate meal-planning.
Why? Did you hate to read recipes?
I hope so... I am in no mood to deal with meltdowns... from EITHER boy! LOL
sound like you do need my superdorky help...
aww he's only 2.. I remember my father doing that, left me (drove around the block to see how I'd react, thought he'd teach me a lesson) when I was like 6 or 7, I grabbed the chance to RUN. he couldn't find me for next 2 days, called cops and everything.. now, who learned the lesson?It might be called up should the big one get outta hand LOL the little one I can handle it's the big one's attitude that makes me worry-- just have to remind him that I could just leave him there...
Thinking about how much I hate things right now... I found out a few things about my ex girlfriend and I'm really hurting and really hating people. *sigh*
I thinking about my apprehension and excitement for my trip tomorrow and the weekend.
work harder, PFH!! aww he's only 2.. I remember my father doing that, left me (drove around the block to see how I'd react, thought he'd teach me a lesson) when I was like 6 or 7, I grabbed the chance to RUN. he couldn't find me for next 2 days, called cops and everything.. now, who learned the lesson?
Thinking about what will happen tonight with Verizon.