What are you thinking about? Part III

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I live 2 hours from Rochester - what can I do there???
I am pretty figure out contact to support issues better difficult!
Shovel the snow.

Sad but true. Haha.

When are you going to Rochester?

There's a nice park just outside of Rochester that's great to go to when the weather's nice - Letchworth State Park.

Downtown historical Rochester can be kind of cool... check out the High Falls area, stuff like that.

Actually, there's a wiki for Rochester... check it out, it has lots of info on what there is to do ... and current events: Rochester Wiki - The People's Guide to Rochester
Sad but true. Haha.

When are you going to Rochester?

There's a nice park just outside of Rochester that's great to go to when the weather's nice - Letchworth State Park.

Downtown historical Rochester can be kind of cool... check out the High Falls area, stuff like that.

Actually, there's a wiki for Rochester... check it out, it has lots of info on what there is to do ... and current events: Rochester Wiki - The People's Guide to Rochester

I used to live in Rochester for 15 years....
As far as I know of, just one. I am good friends with one of the players. They were going to go to the Deaf Olympics before it was cancelled. They were upset. :(

Same here. One of the players on men's team is my good friend. Canadian Deaf Sports Association informed another good friend and me of the cancellation then he told him of the cancellation. My good friend thought he was joking while being aboard the bus on its way to Montreal airport.
Nice.... When one person is gone... ZERO threads in the CI section got locked or deleted. Everyone participated civilly.

And the second day of the persons return... Already 1 locked.

Sorry, I meant to direct these comments to paperclip since he/she asked what to do in Rochester. I was just adding onto your comment about shoveling the snow :P

Yeah, I'm aware of that.. I'm just saying it anyway....
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of my deaf friend, praying him and his family are safe.
Thinking about the Japan Disaster. I wish I could help them through a reputable charity that will help purchase relief supplies.
I am glad to hear my deaf Japan friend and his family are alright :)
I am thinking some people think I live 24/7 hours on my pager aim :roll: I get accused for not responding hello! I might be driving, at work or even away from my pager with my aim on! I sometime even forget to shut the pager off at night while I am sleeping. Some people really need to get a grip!
I am thinking some people think I live 24/7 hours on my pager aim :roll: I get accused for not responding hello! I might be driving, at work or even away from my pager with my aim on! I sometime even forget to shut the pager off at night while I am sleeping. Some people really need to get a grip!

No, these people need to get a life and realize that your life does not revolve around them. I've been known to just shut my cell phone off completely if I'm not expecting an important call. It's called 'I'm currently unavailable because I'm busy right now and would not like to be bothered.'
I am thinking some people think I live 24/7 hours on my pager aim :roll: I get accused for not responding hello! I might be driving, at work or even away from my pager with my aim on! I sometime even forget to shut the pager off at night while I am sleeping. Some people really need to get a grip!

I had an ex-boyfriend years ago that I had to dump for this very reason. He expected me to be at his beck and call with a cell phone, and there had "be a darn good reason I'm not answering his texts" even if he texts me at 7 am from work and I just so happen to STILL BE SLEEPING !!!!!
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