What are you thinking about? Part III

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I'm thinking I better knuckle down and work on some ASL lessons for myself.
The tap dancing frog from old Warner Bros cartoons.
For the first time in years, I am actually thinking how a 14 year old kid offended me on facebook, this morning. #whatdidido

Damn it I love that movie but I hate when I watch it. It makes me wanna fall in love, if I am feeling better I will have to go out this weekend and get this idea out of my mind. But as for today I have been stung by the bee of loneliness and love
I'm thinking about linear regression, to formulate with stock exchange, mmm...that should work.
Great. Just great.
A blog writer of news.com.au has written on how biased and distracting the interpreters were used for the emergency broadcast for these people in Queensland despite of the Major floods and typcoon cyclone. The blog pissed me off, and am so digusted on this man who wrote the blog. :mad2:
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking someone needs to be in school not on AD :laugh2: :P
Wirelessly posted

JClarke said:
Great. Just great.
A blog writer of news.com.au has written on how biased and distracting the interpreters were used for the emergency broadcast for these people in Queensland despite of the Major floods and typcoon cyclone. The blog pissed me off, and am so digusted on this man who wrote the blog. :mad2:

That person needs to lighten up, its an emergancy to help everyone. Ask him if he was deaf, would he want to know what's going, ignorance , pure ignorance!
Great. Just great.
A blog writer of news.com.au has written on how biased and distracting the interpreters were used for the emergency broadcast for these people in Queensland despite of the Major floods and typcoon cyclone. The blog pissed me off, and am so digusted on this man who wrote the blog. :mad2:

Im looking for it.
Great. Just great.
A blog writer of news.com.au has written on how biased and distracting the interpreters were used for the emergency broadcast for these people in Queensland despite of the Major floods and typcoon cyclone. The blog pissed me off, and am so digusted on this man who wrote the blog. :mad2:
I am thinking of a lot, but can't say much right now. Hope to be able to have news to post about it soon. All I can say is, please keep fingers crossed and all.

I posted a comment, lets hope it gets posted.

Mr. Marx,

Your blog has been heard by the Deaf... All the way here in the smack dab middle of the good ol' United States of America.

I would like to take some time to have an open discussion with you regarding a few things this article is expressing.

First I would like to note the fact that you have followers. Some of your articles have replies amounting in the hundreds. To the best of my knowledge – This will be the first reply to this distasteful article.

Second I would like to mention that I do not even know your previous work. I am writing based solely on this article.

With the differences aside I have to say this for the international members of the Deaf community: There are interpreters on televisions everywhere in the United States. Mr. Barbour was not remotely anywhere to being the first to introduce an interpreter on the television. Many presidents and people of importance on television have had an interpreter present, on or off screen.

We, as a deaf individual, are visual by nature. We do understand captioning and subtitles, but there is nothing that beats the visual content provided to you by a signed language. We do benefit.

Sweden is in the progress of adding signed language version of their governmental articles online. You can see it here: Teckenspråk - www.spsm.se

FIFA has done the same: FIFA.com - Previous FIFA World Cups?

The point I am trying to produce is that the signed language is powerful for the Deaf. This simple fact is getting recognition internationally.

Now, I'm going to be very nice. Shame on you. Yeah, I said that.

Using sign language as a scapegoat in a political opinionated blog, dragging down the Deaf at the same time. It's a no wonder this article has yet garnered any replies. This article has been spread across the Deaf community in means of social networking. That is how I found it. The person was appalled and at a loss of words upon reading your article and shared it with me.

I believe you should take a look into the meaning of the word Audism and the term 'language hegemony'. This article is what defines Audism. Audism generally means a person uses their hearing to view themselves as superior over these who has less hearing.

If you want the Deaf to be productive members of society, you shouldn't be putting them down either.

Remember, you have hundreds of followers. Your opinion is easily spreadable. If everyone shares the same opinion as you do, the Deaf suffers in many ways. Education, employment, and life in general.

I would like you to think about this on the behalf of the Deaf and act positively upon this.

Thank you,
Matt Webster
Good letter, PFH

I posted mine but have to wait for a moderator to approve it, if they do
I am thinking of a lot, but can't say much right now. Hope to be able to have news to post about it soon. All I can say is, please keep fingers crossed and all.
Fingers crossed for what I think you're referring to. Man, I feel like a pretzel. I have my fingers, toes, etc crossed for someone else for the same reason. :lol:
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