What are you thinking about? Part III

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I'm having a bad time with a cold so I'm thinking I should get a humidfier.
It's 60 here and I think I may go into the other room and do another colored pencil painting. I have a few challenges to work on. Also want to try something new with my colored pencils.
oh that sounds cool I have never seen a colored pencil painting
what do mean?

I was advised to not call the specific pictures that I have done a picture or a drawing. It is artwork, therefore it is a painting. Didn't make sense for me with colored pencil. Like I had said on my FB page, for some reason, I can't seem to please very many people lately.
It's 60 here and I think I may go into the other room and do another colored pencil painting. I have a few challenges to work on. Also want to try something new with my colored pencils.

Have fun!
I was advised to not call the specific pictures that I have done a picture or a drawing. It is artwork, therefore it is a painting. Didn't make sense for me with colored pencil. Like I had said on my FB page, for some reason, I can't seem to please very many people lately.

Screw what anyone else thinks or says its your artwork call it what you bloody well please and to hell with what anyone else thinks....
thinking that I need to confess my screw-up to a friend. I am unsure what is the right thing to do. Ugh!
<wants to take down the booby signature... A little distracting at work... And a bit tacky for my taste.....Sheila....take down the Infinite penis!?!? :)
<wants to take down the booby signature... A little distracting at work... And a bit tacky for my taste.....Sheila....take down the Infinite penis!?!? :)

Please Sheila and Craig take down the infinite penis and bouncy boobs
Those boobs are just mesmerizing in a fucked up kind of way....

Aside from that it was a nice balmy 70 degrees and sunny this afternoon, no joke! However they are already talking about having a 'wintry mix' in the weather forecast for next week. I feel like I'm stuck in a Katy Perry song!
Was bouncing around on here today and saw were a lot of people are skyping to practice asl. Well I decided to get my hair cut and tried a new girl..... grrrr... she cut off WAY WAY WAY to much... so I can't skype :(
thinking where my post gone lOL

you need to confess any screw ups, it's the right thing to do, to avoid any misunderstandings/etc
Thinking about how glad I am it's Saturday yet I have a full afternoon ahead of me. More house showings !!!
I'm thinking my daughter must really really love me. She has decided to eat all of my bread and none of the stuff I bought for the family. Now, I get to bake more home baked bread for all of us.
I'm thinking my daughter must really really love me. She has decided to eat all of my bread and none of the stuff I bought for the family. Now, I get to bake more home baked bread for all of us.

haha how adorable, isn't it? ;)
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