Hey wig-wearing feller, when will you "borrow" a wifi hotspot and grace us with your presence?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Teleca Q7; Brew 3.1.5; U; en) 320X240 LGE VX9200)
i learned that eagles breed while airborne.
as far as the trainer being killed by the whale at sea world, it should serve as a reminder that these animals are still wild despite being raised in captivity. i think all too often people forget this very important fact.
Is thinking...
Why is my roommate telling me what to do with the flat if I am paying for her food, two months (well a month and a half) worth of rent and utilities, and gave her my bed... plus free Internet? Because she's afraid of what two people will think of her? :|
Tell her - Worry about what PFH thinks -- Because she would have been kicked out a long time ago.