What are you thinking about? Part II

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Loghead said:
Wow, you should definitely consider a major that you are naturally good at :) I made the decision the do nursing based on the fact that I am a people person and love nurturing people, but I am no good at Science and I am suffering big time! If something sounds interesting you should go for it! You only live once!:D

I agree! Thanks for the advice! And I am not a science-y person either. I DETEST science! I totally bullshitted my way through biology last semester (excuse my language - but it's the word that best describes how much I knew about the subject). I couldn't believe that I got a 90. He commented that I had a "great understanding" of the course and its topics. :lol: I have no doubt that you will do fine in nursing, though.

I don't have to start sending in university applications until around November/December of next year. I have a lot of time to think. I just really want to make sure that I pick an area of study that best suits me.

I was a Microbiology/Pre-med major! :rofl2: Quirkylibra is right, study something that interests you - frat parties are not what I'm talking about here. :lol:
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I was a Microbiology/Pre-med major! :rofl2: Quirkylibra is right, study something that interests you - frat parties are not what I'm talking about here. :lol:

What happened? Microbio was the only Science class I have liked, so far. I actually passed that without trying very hard! :P
why is curling (a sport I know pretty much nothing about) so enthralling and addicting to start watching???

I know! It looks like fun. But, I tried it one year. :( Now every time I see curling on TV, I always see it as false advertising. :lol:
I was a Microbiology/Pre-med major! :rofl2: Quirkylibra is right, study something that interests you - frat parties are not what I'm talking about here. :lol:

Did you enjoy it?

Thanks. I certainly don't want to pick something simply for the money.

LOL @ frat parties. That's not really something I've been looking into.
Loghead- money and frat parties, what more could one ask for?

Just remember to have some fun in college. One can still be successful in school and have fun times.
I am thinking Knights in white satin would get really dirty marching into war
Thinking about one of my grandsons moving back to Germany in summer and wondering whether this is a good idea to separate him from his brothers...
aww, i hate to separate siblings while they were small. did your grandson knows about it?
why is curling (a sport I know pretty much nothing about) so enthralling and addicting to start watching???

dude - that's not cool. you wanna fight? :mad2:
what is it exactly everyone sees in coffee? I never have liked the stuff

you'll get used to it. just add some sugar and milk.... and then wean off from it after a while
Its ok. I can see thats what many would say about Mt Dew which is my coffee

I love Mountain Dew but I put a strict limit on my soda intake because... well you know you will eventually develop a diabetic condition
I keep looking at a variety of different majors for university. All of the programs I've been looking at have always been in the same area of study... law, political science, Canadian studies, etc. I never really considered a business major. I've always been good in maths and businesses, but I never really thought about taking it up in university. I'm actually stronger in businesses and maths than laws, histories and geographies. Just tonight I was looking up an international business major and it sounds so interesting! You have to go through intensive language training and in the third year, you study in a different country. It sounds amazing!

outstanding! just make sure your skill is marketable and profitable in any field of work... while you enjoy it :) Yes college is for learning but it is expensive and short. College is to learn a skill that will make you $$$$
Did you enjoy it?

Thanks. I certainly don't want to pick something simply for the money.
nobody does but... a long period of unemployment will hit you hard. the stress of being unemployed is actually worse than the work stress. I know this feeling.

LOL @ frat parties. That's not really something I've been looking into.
lol don't let the movies like Animal House or National Lampoon fooled you. There's nothing wrong with study hard, party hard.
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