What are you thinking about? Part II

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Am thinking I love my daughter beyond words. She went out to garage last night after 9pm, with two flashlight (no electric in garage) and found the box and got my medicine for earache. Yeah - - it's all gone!!!
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Only 1 hour? Wow...toook us 2 hours to shovel 2 SUVs out in addition to the other 2 hours to shovel the sidewalks. The snow was up to my chest...just so much of it. I thought VA got more snow than MD?

Snow was up to my ankles where I live. Dunno about Northern VA though. Plus I don't own a SUV, so it was easy for me to clear out the snow. My neighbor gave me a brush to wipe the snow off my car as she no longer owns a car.

A guy will come in and clear out the parking lot when it snows so I don't have to worry about the shoveling part.
I am thinking about that this upcoming winter storm must be just as serious because the Federal govt is closed tmw. That is very very rare!
I am thinking about that this upcoming winter storm must be just as serious because the Federal govt is closed tmw. That is very very rare!

Maybe AIG gave them a few mil to party on until less inclement weather rolls around. :lol:
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I am thinking of kb plans no school tomorrow break before we go back on Wed.
I am thinking about that this upcoming winter storm must be just as serious because the Federal govt is closed tmw. That is very very rare!

Really? That's bad if the Federal government is closing due to snow! :shock:
Really? That's bad if the Federal government is closing due to snow! :shock:

only some of fed governments are closed in some states. i work for fed gov and show up at my work everyday no matter what if it were a major snowstorm. :mad2:
I am thinking about that this upcoming winter storm must be just as serious because the Federal govt is closed tmw. That is very very rare!

It brought my memory back with my hubby. While we lived in DC. Before we were boyfriend and girlfriend, BOY! we didn't work for 3 or 4 or a week due to the bad snowstorm. I believe that was in ahh, 1998?? I missed that! We spent our time in our tiny apartment, and too busy drinking, hanging out with two kitties and munches. I misssed that! heheh
It brought my memory back with my hubby. While we lived in DC. Before we were boyfriend and girlfriend, BOY! we didn't work for 3 or 4 or a week due to the bad snowstorm. I believe that was in ahh, 1998?? I missed that! We spent our time in our tiny apartment, and too busy drinking, hanging out with two kitties and munches. I misssed that! heheh

Probably the Blizzard of 1996. :) I should go buy some booze. LOL!
Probably the Blizzard of 1996. :) I should go buy some booze. LOL!

wait a minute! I think we didn't have kitties in 1996 or 1998. Kitties came in 2000. :o I believe that was his buddies came over. Oh that one. I totally forget.

I will look up or ask my hubby about it. my bad! blame on my aging. =X
wait a minute! I think we didn't have kitties in 1996 or 1998. Kitties came in 2000. :o I believe that was his buddies came over. Oh that one. I totally forget.

I will look up or ask my hubby about it. my bad! blame on my aging. =X

maybe the Presidents' Day storm of 2003?
My first day back to work since, I was out most of the time last week. I look forward to kickboxing tonight, bec I get a school break today whoohoo!!!
Here it is at 4:12 in the afternoon and my kids are FINALLY sitting down to do their school work. They've been building with lego's and lincoln logs all day.
I am thinking that I hate ATO for winning the war after they bullied me and got rid of me after I had a diagnosis of RSI. Now all I can do is hope they'll get a day of reckoning but not from me, though.

Maybe Paul Hogan will get the better of ATO.

It's a bitter thing to learn that little people don't always get the justice that they are entitled to.
I can't believe that I got injured in kickboxing class might have pulled a muscle on my right calf. I don't need this ugh! Great pray I will be ok
I can't believe that I got injured in kickboxing class might have pulled a a muscle on my right calf. I don't need this ugh! Great pray I will be ok

Hope the injury will mend completely before the weekend finishes!

Then you can practice on getting the dropkick on JClarke or Jiro in case they gets cheeky with you. ;)
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