thinking about certain someone (don't ask) and look forward to the trip back to the states, I just can't wait for the december to arrive, hurry up!
We all know who......gimme a break
He boosted the fan speed???? That sounds very fishy to me.
We have GOOOOOOD fans at work. They are for the USDA inspectors, but if you're like me and get stuck between two USDA inspectors and both have their fans pointed at you at the same time, it can go from a sweltering 90-95 degrees to about 60-65 in about 15 minutes. Believe me, even though it is July I still throw a sweatshirt in my locker for these occasions. My stand is the only stand in the department that is set up like this.
Hmm....With chickens it seems like they would want it cold all the time
Where I work it is Evisceration also known as Fresh Processing in some plants. Basically we are the very first step in the poultry processing in which it goes from alive to dead and ready for further processing in 15 minutes. It doesn't have to be cold until all the viscera has been eviscerated and all contaminated/condemned birds and parts have been removed from the line, then it goes into a chiller for approximately 2 hours before it goes to the cold part of the plant. Once the chicken has been opened and eviscerated and inspected by USDA it immediately goes into the chiller. It doesn't come out frozen, just damn near it, LOL.
I am thinking I am becoming anemic again. I have been freezing my ass off for the last 3 days, and I have near zero energy. Right now I'm in my bed under two big blankets and wearing a sweatshirt. I wonder if it is possible to purchase Over-the-counter iron tablets. It may take 2-3 weeks but it is better than eternity.
Thank you Kristina. People at work and my bosses have thought I have lost my mind. It is 90 degrees in there, and yet I'm wearing a hoodie and freezing. My inspectors say I'm just getting sick, but I'm like if I were getting sick I would have been cold for one day then been sick as a dog the next.Yes, you can buy over-the-counter iron tablets. We got them for my mother and had to take her off of them since with her cirrhosis of the liver, it was tearing up her liver. I have a bottle in the kitchen just sitting there. Wish I could whisk it to you with a wiggle of the nose, but I wasn't given those powers.
Do hope you start to feeling better.![]()