I'm thinking I am really proud of my son. In Missouri, we never had to have grades for any of our home school lessons, so I didn't grade the papers, just kept track of what was required by the state. Here in Florida, I have a few other requirements that I detest, so my son will be doing a virtual school this next year. They are requiring that I provide a report card for this past year. I had to go back and grade all of his work for this past school year. He did better than I thought. I have this great program that keeps track of hours, attendance, lesson plans and grades and all kinds of stuff. It churched up a report card for me and I was shocked!

All the subjects I thought he did well in, he did okay or bad, and his bad subject, was one of the best. Go figure! All in all, he did great!! I am really proud of him and he's been told on his FB page, my FB page and in person.
Way to go Dashanti!! (that's his AD user name)