What are you thinking about? Part II

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Im not too sure about that, this fella gives me free refills on iced coffee O_O it's practically a proposal that I cannot refuse!


I am thinking I should open a Starbucks.....A non profit Starbucks
Wirelessly posted

jinxedkitten said:
I am thrilled!!

FB status update: It is signed and sealed by the judge, I will be officially divorced on the 19th with zero complications :o) what a relief!

I can relax tonight =)


Freedom at last!
Where abouts you from in KALIFORNIA? :mrgreen:
long beach/OC area here :wave:

Ah, you are light years away. I reside in good ol' Sacramento


I am thinking I should open a Starbucks.....A non profit Starbucks

Eek, no.. open a local java cafe where all the drinks taste unique.. not exactly identical O_O then I'm wooed!! ((bats eyelashes)) or caffeinated, either one :wave:
Eek, no.. open a local java cafe where all the drinks taste unique.. not exactly identical O_O then I'm wooed!! ((bats eyelashes)) or caffeinated, either one :wave:

I go to Joe Mochas here....pretty good

In Ruidoso I go to a place called Sacred Grounds (right next to an Indian Reservation)
Ah, man. You got the better part of our state. Plus you also got Thomas Bruso (epic beard man) patrolling the area.

Move! You're stuck with A-listers while you could be spotting Z-listers in Sac town baybay :wave:
Hmmm.. I wonder if I am the only one with a post-it over her webcam that is included in her lappie o_O

Hmmm.. I wonder if I am the only one with a post-it over her webcam that is included in her lappie o_O

Someone's gonna peek a look at you?
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