What are you thinking about? Part II

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I am thinking of a superb person, hope everything is ok and got plenty of sleep:)
I'm thinking if I were one of the 'witches' in 'The Craft'...what would I want from Manon...lol, I watching the movie right now...and looking up schools on the net.
I am thinking the text message this morning brightened my day:)
I am thinking it was nice of my daughter to give me really cool package of socks in very bright colors.
It is my foot. I can't exactly tell where the pain is coming from. I am thinking it's from my over-use of flip flops, but I'm not sure. :) I do work in a hospital, but I actually wanted to dissect his brain. :lol:



Well, I have had that before...I have a lot of foot issues. Flat feet and all...but today I finally pinpointed the pain the be in the top of my foot right near my 3middle toes. It seems to be improving with ibuprofen, ice, salt baths and massage :) It also help to stay off it...I am trying very hard! Thanks for all your concerns everyone!:D

Ah, pressure from the flip flops, weak spot. You are doing good. :thumb:
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of the good news I read in my bible devotion tonight :D
Thinking about getting my keys, walking to my car, and going grocery shopping. :hmm: Better make me a list first. :giggle:
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of more bible verses that help me with my fears :) I am also, thinking of my test tonight.
I'm wondering why people talk about the "mysterious" thou-shall-not-be-named person on this thread... come on, I demand the juicy details.

I'm thinking of someone as well.. mmhmm... (leaves you all hanging in the air)

Hah.. revenge is sweet o.O
I'm wondering why people talk about the "mysterious" thou-shall-not-be-named person on this thread... come on, I demand the juicy details.

I'm thinking of someone as well.. mmhmm... (leaves you all hanging in the air)

Hah.. revenge is sweet o.O
Where is the so called 'thou-shall-not-be-named' nonsense?
Where is the so called 'thou-shall-not-be-named' nonsense?

Ah, it's floating around cyberspace and it's a lot closer than you think :cool2:

What's this "favor" you keep rambling about on Facebook? Curiosity is unkind to this cat =( I will have to interrogate Jiro if you will not give me a decent enough answer :shock:
Ah, it's floating around cyberspace and it's a lot closer than you think :cool2:

What's this "favor" you keep rambling about on Facebook? Curiosity is unkind to this cat =( I will have to interrogate Jiro if you will not give me a decent enough answer :shock:
You started it, I did not.

The favour was that I asked him to get me another sweater, the same one I bought when I was in NYC; but in different color, because I love them!
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