What are you thinking about? Part II

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"Oh yes, Lindane, the stuff for the occasion; this lotion that give you cancer with too many application"

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Oceanblue7 said:
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quirkylibra said:
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Im thinking I had a great day at work! :) I hope everyone had a great day as well!

Glad you are feeling better and had a great day at work. I had an awesome time watching my lil fighter girl be in her first fight and proud of her.

That is great! :)
I'm thinking that after work, I'll have to patiently write down my friends cellphone numbers and then add it to my new cellphone.

My simcard did not download all numbers *sigh*

I'll text you, save your time to write down my cellphone number. :)
Thinks, she scares people:iough:
Just totally destroyed my sleeping pattern. Went to bed at 6PM... I went for a nap (figured I'd get up in the hour) and woke up at 1AM... that's a full 7 hours sleep for me.
:zzz: me's tired... that's all I can think about right now... gotta hurry for my cup of caffeine now :wave:
Good Morning, I got up a little late than my normal routine. ohyeahhh i am drinking my warm coffee. :D sorry jamielynn, did you get your cup of caffeine yet?
Thinking of all the things that needs to be done. Going to be another busy day.
I woke up and need to get cup of coffee. :) Say Hello to Frisky Feline. :wave:
Good Morning, I got up a little late than my normal routine. ohyeahhh i am drinking my warm coffee. :D sorry jamielynn, did you get your cup of caffeine yet?

Of course... by now it's already 6pm and get all of my laundry done... now if only I could finish off the ironing (at least I got started working on it...) See how long that will last :giggle:
Thinking. I can not believe my daugther will be 13 tomorrow. Wow! Time really does fly.
Happy Birthday to her! Are you going to have a big party?

I already took her out to dinner, and bought her a few things. She will be going with a family member, spend her spring break having fun. I have to work all week. So next weekend we will have a birthday party for her.
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