What are you thinking about? Part II

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I am thinking ..wow there are so many goofy pics of my hubby with the ladies from last night being posted. LOL!
Wirelessly posted

Bottesini said:
That I'm going to get rid of my computers, again. ;)

Have so much better things to do... Don't even need to be posting 100 posts a day, wasting my time here on this forum.

I know.. I know.... Not again, but seriously... Whoever spends their time here daily .... Hello Outside?!

Good advice. I keep meaning to explore the area you refer to as outside. :hmm:

Bott, you crack me up :rofl:
I tried to perfect the pancakes just for our son. He has really bad eczema all over him and eggs is one of the trigger. And my husband just happened to love it and crave for it all the time.

He ended up making himself a sandwich, with a pouty look on his face. don't you just hate it when guys make you feel guilty like that?
I tried to perfect the pancakes just for our son. He has really bad eczema all over him and eggs is one of the trigger. And my husband just happened to love it and crave for it all the time.

He ended up making himself a sandwich, with a pouty look on his face. don't you just hate it when guys make you feel guilty like that?

Don't let him manipulate you, girl! He's a big boy...he can make himself something to eat.:P
haha -- right now, I'm thinking when I do make pancakes, I'm going to double the recipe and freeze it. That way, I can say, "ok..." and just pop one in the microwave :D
haha -- right now, I'm thinking when I do make pancakes, I'm going to double the recipe and freeze it. That way, I can say, "ok..." and just pop on in the microwave :D

There you go! That's a great idea. His very own Eggos!
Perhaps society as a whole is leaning in that direction. I certainly see it. However, we can continue to be a good example by taking personal pride in providing our employers with a day's work for a day's pay. Maybe that will have an impact on someone just entering the world of work. At the very least, we will be happier with ourselves for not caving into the masses.

Believe me when I say I give my employer a days work for a days pay. I've not missed since December and I often will stay over for overtime pay unless it is a day where I have class that night. They seem well pleased with the work I provide them.
Believe me when I say I give my employer a days work for a days pay. I've not missed since December and I often will stay over for overtime pay unless it is a day where I have class that night. They seem well pleased with the work I provide them.

I have no trouble believing that. I have always perceived you to be honest, ethical, and principled.
I just found out the other day that there are pics of me all over facebook of me and another girl wrestling at a gay party lol. It's nothing vulgar or indecent bt it did involve me giving her a birthday spanking lol. Ah I needed some humor after the week I've had.
That I'm going to get rid of my computers, again. ;)

Have so much better things to do... Don't even need to be posting 100 posts a day, wasting my time here on this forum.

I know.. I know.... Not again, but seriously... Whoever spends their time here daily .... Hello Outside?!


It might be good for you. :)
I am thinking that slacking off during Spring Break was a HUGE mistake! How the hell am I going to learn all this info!?!:shock:
I am thinking that slacking off during Spring Break was a HUGE mistake! How the hell am I going to learn all this info!?!:shock:

You'll get back into the swing of things soon. If you hadn't slacked off and given yourself a little break, you might be burned out.
I did all my homework from my workbook all 5 chapters :shock: I just need one more chapter from another book:)
I am thinking that slacking off during Spring Break was a HUGE mistake! How the hell am I going to learn all this info!?!:shock:

I did the same thing... :(
I spent most of the break working, so when I did stay home I tried to spend my time sleeping.
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