Don't read as much as I did years ago, but have started doing more reading for pleasure recently.
The King's Speech was excellent. Didn't realize it was based on real person until I saw book. Was stationed in London thirty years ago.
I'm a die hard Trekkie and have hundreds of Trek books and comics. Finished Voyager: Children of the Storm last week. Loved it.
Last year I read Troublesome Minds. It was fascinating.The author has a deaf brother and is on staff at Gally. Waiting to see is he writes more Trek.
I'm reading two Stephen King books: Cell and Night Shift.
Just bought Stephen King's original version of "The Stand". It's around 1400 pages long!!! Have you gotten the chance to read this one?
Will be starting it soon after I finally push myself to finish my "The Tipping Point" book.
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
Sure. I am almost halfway to finishing it. I should finsish it tomorrow.
Oh wow, an Anakin siting!
Murakami is good stuff. Check out Dance Dance Dance when you're finished with Sheep dance.
Wirelessly posted (droid)
Working on the Percy Jackson series now. Scholastic Books. Fun!
Stealing Faces.