What are you going to do with your tax return money?

I'll be saving 2/3 of it for my boys, and use 1/3 of it for our "big toy." :D
I'll be using my check this year for 1 of 3 things. To either 1. get my car completely fixed and serviced 2. buy me a new bass or guitar or 3. put it in the bank and save it for when I'm ready to move.
We got tax refund last week. :D but we have to pay bills off... :roll: :roll:
We never get a refund. We PAY taxes. In addition to the amount withheld, we pay about $6,000 every year.
I am going to give Vampy my refund money. So, I can have sex with him for eternity. :naughty:
As WEIRD as it seems...I have always either got refund from state/Fed usually under $1,000 dollar combined, or pay taxes under $200 dollars. Man! Last January I force my job to take out $25 dollar more for FED and STATE each paycheck, so I can get REFUND!!!! I NEVER GET GOOD REFUND!! UGH!!

I hope if I get $1,500 dollar refund...I plan use it to start remodel my basement into living room. I know $1,500 not enough..but at least get it started..put up studs and insulation...then go from there. Hope!!
I dont know what I am going to do with 2K5's tax refund yet, but I blew all of my half of 2K4's tax refund on my laptop so I wouldnt have to worry about making payments on it lol.
will be getting a tax exmeption this yr and getting a nice refund in it :) so that ll go towards my bills thank god!
Wow, it looks like I am the only person at AllDeaf who has to PAY taxes! :-o
Why is it that you pay more taxes? I know my mom once recieved a large income tax refund that was for over the amount, and now she does not recieve a tax refund to pay back the amount that she owes back.
I will probably spend it on booty, some more booty and LOTSA MORE BOOTY!! Unfortunately I'm currently unemployed, so I have no tax $$.
Will apply the taxmoney towards a summer vacation or a major purchase for the house. Already used this year's taxmoney for a 3 person hot tub for our bathroom and for assorted house revonations :mrgreen:
In 2004, my taxes was withheld by the Federal government because I owed Social Security money for SSI overpayment years ago. It's really silly. In 2005, I probably will save most of the tax refund for my Norway trip in July/August 2006.
eternity said:
I am going to give Vampy my refund money. So, I can have sex with him for eternity. :naughty:

He is very thrilled to hear this. He is waiting for you.
