What are you doing right now?

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Mmmm pizza...

Contemplating if I should sign up for programming classes at Udemy or with a different instructor I'd taken classes from before... :hmm:

Had some other great news money wise today but I need to check something to be sure I didn't screw up. (really prefer a job...)

And I never realized how hard it is to even find a VOLUNTEER position... the ones I emailed about- they want the dang resume?!!
im getting either a pepperoni special or supreme...not sure Id wait till i get to domino's and decide whats the smell kicking in best....
or something else, but DEFINITELY a PIZZA !! TONIGHT IS PIZZA NITE!!!!
i know....just pissing out on 'the hearing world' conception of deaf people or rather other way around too....i too uses a HA all the time ..and i used to be able to use the phone, ever since phone lines gone digital all hi/low's got truncated in a bad way rendering phones UN-usable by me....been so long now, something like 15 years that i havent been able to use a phone...
...like i'm Really Deaf....hell im below 100dB....on both ears...scary....
Getting ready for my early train trip tomorrow.
Pissed that my eReader won't open some of my bought books & their customer service stinks.

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My dad is having his birthday party at our house today. It's still pretty early but I'm not looking forward to interacting with people. I tend to avoid them by staying in my room but sometimes they would come in and go yada yada blah blah blah. However the only thing I want from them is to show me their joints and smoke 'em.

Right now I'm just drinking margarita (very slowly) and eating hot peppers with cream cheese and bacon. So ****ing good! Oh, a lady just gave me a second shot of jagar bomb. No point in hoping I won't get hangover because I know I will.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szkgylvDYA4]Wayne's World Shwing Shwing - YouTube[/ame]
watching the top 10 movie drug dealers...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=557usVRyJKY]Top 10 Movie Drug Dealers - YouTube[/ame]
Recovering from working on the hoarder house I bought a few years ago. The guy was an amazing genius. I peck away at the place. The land is covered with weed trees. The house is stuffed with stuff. Fortunately it is not haunted. The fellow has passed away and is truly no longer around except for... whoa... a lot of stuff. Here in Fairbanks Alaska we have a unique dump system. There are several free transfer sites around town. We haul stuff to them for free. There is no restriction on removing/recycling the that's not garbage that's good stuff. It is Hoarder Paradise!

I am slowly hauling it all back to de dump. This satisfies my wild urges to take everything that looks like trash to de dump while taking timeouts to whack away on an endless supply of weed trees.
Havng a slow day at work right now. A couple more hours to go, then I suppose I will nap in the sun when I get home.
Thinking how could someone blame a person for not being married . It's kind of a mind boggling heard of thing.

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Thinking how could someone blame a person for not being married . It's kind of a mind boggling heard of thing.

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i get that a few times......its stupid fuken conformity....
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