What are you doing right now?

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Wirelessly posted

I hope you feel better soon

Thanks...getting better slowly
I have decided to give the yards a big clean up so I am working outside for most of the day. Taking a break now.
Final on ct scan no metal inside to my cochlear. It is final on after MRI will soon again Sept 4. I will nervous. it is pretty is very lucky. they nothing no metal inside to my implant. they remove implant already past. I getting go to appointment MRI. it will finish resolve! I will patient!
Resting up for more Cochlear Implant exercise tonight-Seniors dance.
Wirelessly posted

Reading about Madonna's new gold grill w diamonds
HAd to leave AD and come right back since I went to look at the Pic Of You thread and my Google Chrome cancelled and said it would go no farther due to malaware in the Pics section.
Suffering severe back and neck pain, Might OD on pain killers...lmao
it feeling stronger dizzy loss imbalance. stranger. it is sound feeling weird it. numberous dizzy and mess on dizzy. I was feeling unwellness. It is odd screw up! system function!
Fighting like mad to not fall into a severe depression. Not worth talking about.
Playing try to find the dog. My daughter, boyfriend and their dog are staying with me for about a week prior to moving to Ireland. Murphy gets soooooo depressed when they are not home. He won't eat, drink or go out in the backyard to do his business. He sits in one of their chairs that they moved here. I go to check on him and he is gone. Looked everywhere and finally found him upstairs in the guest room in his kennel. I managed to take him for a short walk and now I am keeping him on his extension leash to keep a close eye on him. He is such a good boy, so big 20lbs compared to my Marley 4lbs. He will be staying with us after they move until they get settled. Oh he is going to be so sad!!! He loves me though so I think he will do OK.
Wirelessly posted

I'm "working" at job number two... this means... Not much... I always hate working this job since my first job is so exciting and on the go... This is just terrible... not to mention dealing with stuck up jerks all day here... -_-
Trying to fold laundry. Deacon needs to go out again.
Wirelessly posted

Reading posts, threads and comments here :)
Trying to keep myself awake... and motivate myself to go to the gym tomorrow... Yes, it takes that long to keep motivating myself... lol
Resting my legs as I was cleaning kitchen cabinet exteriors and trying to get the scent of bleach out of my head. Think my mother used too much in her laundry. I'm cleaning with a vinegar/water/baking soda solution.
Playing try to find the dog. My daughter, boyfriend and their dog are staying with me for about a week prior to moving to Ireland. Murphy gets soooooo depressed when they are not home. He won't eat, drink or go out in the backyard to do his business. He sits in one of their chairs that they moved here. I go to check on him and he is gone. Looked everywhere and finally found him upstairs in the guest room in his kennel. I managed to take him for a short walk and now I am keeping him on his extension leash to keep a close eye on him. He is such a good boy, so big 20lbs compared to my Marley 4lbs. He will be staying with us after they move until they get settled. Oh he is going to be so sad!!! He loves me though so I think he will do OK.

Maybe you could have some clothes that smell your daughter and b/f for the dog to sleep with at night.
peek here then log off.. lol.. it has been too long for me and surprising that i still remember. haha

otherwise, i hope that y'all have a WONDERFUL summer, yes? So do i too!
Eating green peppers, onions and roma tomatoes dipped in Ceasar dressing...mmmmmmmm
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