What are you doing right now?

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I was just blowing my nose.
Eating a gluten free cashew/chocolate chip cookie.

Even better, my husband made it. :)
Drinking TheraFlu. I can't believe I'm sick again after just getting over bronchitis. Most of the family is sick too. Sigh.
Drinking TheraFlu. I can't believe I'm sick again after just getting over bronchitis. Most of the family is sick too. Sigh.

Do keep all your toothbrushes in one cup? I read that each person should have their toothbrush holder especially when one person is sick.
stuck in East End of london hot bothered pissed off.friend been in hospital over a month i with her,her husband over there now i found cyber cafe have a break out of the heat and fumes
I just watched some old videos of my dad. He was a freaking amazing dancer!
Hating those who finished school last week and now on summer break!
Thinking I could use a nap & I just woke up about 45 mins ago. Haven't even got out of bed yet except to feed the kitties.

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Checking AD ...I wish I can stay up a little bit more but I am starting to get sleepy. Swimming always wipes me out. :)
Thinking about life and what my next adventure is.... School is pretty much over with... am I really destined to just work and live life now until I become old, retire and what not? :shock: *sigh*
Pretty much Mew *sigh*. I'm pretty sure I will never retire per se...always trying to keep my income up. Pretty sure I will die alone somewhere too lol unless my parents outlive me (I'm suspicious my mother might...:P)

Waiting to hear some good info/news this week for a change.
splitting my video into sections to be chucked into cyberspace for you tubers to watch.....
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