What are you doing right now? Part II

Going to be a busy day. We are going to get our tree and hopefully get it decorated and the inside of the house too. It rained all night so the tree will be extra wet this year.

Later meeting with my mom and my brother and his wife who live in Oregon. We only see them every few years. I believe a bunch of us are going out for dinner.
Finished wrapping the California gifts. May take the box to UPS later, if it's not raining too much. Or wait till another day.
I was initially going to wait till "the last minute" to send it since unopened gifts can be tempting, but I want them to open one gift before Christmas so they can set it up by Christmas Eve (it's a Nativity). Got lucky in that all the gifts fit nicely into a box that some of the gifts had come in.
got wrap xmas prez for grandchild and post..unopen gifts are tempting if i get kids sweets i end opening them and eating them...dreadful granny
Waiting for the #151. Gonna pass the time traveling until the nighttime photo shoot.
i bought nuti blast and just blitz beetroot and carrots plus water i drank it down bc thought good for me,taste is awful i eating everything take taste away not throw up
Hey, Caz. I just saw a Dr. Pepper CTA bus a moment ago. Lemme upload the photo.


I hope that makes you feel better.
On my way to help a friend set up TiVo on his tablet. Hopefully it'll be easy to do.
Why? should I laugh or not, my first reaction was to laugh, but maybe you have some serious problem. If so I am sorry, and hope all is ok, or gets better.

Others here probably know what I'm talking about (and perhaps you do to which is why you wanted to laugh). No, not a serious problem, but thank you for your concern.
Picking up dinner before heading back to Uptown. Been a while since I ordered something from Rogers Park.
Feeling bummed out ! My sister never made it to my house to sleep over . She first went to see a friend who niece was killed by a person texting while driving. I know the friend and feel horrible for her , I only wish my sister realize that there was no way she could do all that driving with graves disease . She should had spend more time with her friend , she needed the company more than I did. How horrible about the woman. If my sister had told me she was seeing her friend , I would had told her not try and see me too. I do not know all the detail about the accident , I may of heard about it on the news not knowing I knew her aunt. :(

Had a nice lunch at BJ's with three of my brothers. Nice day!!
Getting my day started earlier than planned, as I fell asleep at 9:45 last night and woke up at 4 AM. Pretty decent night's sleep. Feeling better, too.
Starting the process of lodging the pest control complaint against my building, as I received a letter from the City before Thanksgiving. Now I'm starting to get that filled out, but before I can send it in, I need to print the pictures of the bugs I have photos of. And I need to make a copy of my lease, too.
Chopped 2 1 lb bags of pecans to use later in my cookies. This is the only part of my cookie making that I use electronics (except the oven, of course). I use a magic bullet.
At Clark St. Dog on Clark/Halstead. Been a few years since I was here.