What are you doing right now? Part II

Right now, I am figuring out my finances....debating on whether I should get a summer job or not.

Same here, but different situation. I have an appointment set up next Wednesday to visit the nearby apartment I'm planning on taking a look at. If I need to pay a security deposit, well, let's say that this security deposit is much cheaper than my rent here where I live now. Also, I need to figure out my finances for Monday and next Saturday, as well. With those figured out, I'm pretty sure that I'll have enough money left over to have some fun next weekend.
:ty: ! I just watch the end of NICS ! . It said you can watch it free for one month , did you sign up to pay to use this ?
no... never paid for watching anything on cbs.com or on the others like abc.com and nbc.com. For AMC (Walking Dead) you do have to register using your cable provider email but you don't have to pay anything).

Most networks offer the shows for free for about 30 days then they either take it down or switch to paid.
I just walked past an apartment building with GARAGES included. Now that's a nice place to live.
no... never paid for watching anything on cbs.com or on the others like abc.com and nbc.com. For AMC (Walking Dead) you do have to register using your cable provider email but you don't have to pay anything).

Most networks offer the shows for free for about 30 days then they either take it down or switch to paid.

Damn , they want a lot personal info , your full name and share info you give them with other companies .
Right now, I am figuring out my finances....debating on whether I should get a summer job or not.

Summer jobs go fast with a lot students looking for jobs so don't wait too long. What kind of job would you want ?
Summer jobs go fast with a lot students looking for jobs so don't wait too long. What kind of job would you want ?

I don't work at those low paying jobs that students usually go for. I would get a job teaching college courses or teaching summer school.

With my new job, I wont get paid over the summer so I have been saving up. Already halfway through to the amount that would get me through the summer without working. However, if I get a summer job that can pay for my bills then I can use my savings to renovate the kitchen. It kinda sucks to save and see it go to paying bills, food, and gas over the summer. Trying to decide if I should not work and enjoy the summer but use my savings to pay for my bills, gas, food OR give up my summer to work at a summer job and use my savings for a major kitchen renovation. Decisions decisions...hmmm
Could you do the kitchen in stages and with a good deal of DIY without working this summer? That is working for someone else but instead on your own kitchen?
I don't work at those low paying jobs that students usually go for. I would get a job teaching college courses or teaching summer school.

With my new job, I wont get paid over the summer so I have been saving up. Already halfway through to the amount that would get me through the summer without working. However, if I get a summer job that can pay for my bills then I can use my savings to renovate the kitchen. It kinda sucks to save and see it go to paying bills, food, and gas over the summer. Trying to decide if I should not work and enjoy the summer but use my savings to pay for my bills, gas, food OR give up my summer to work at a summer job and use my savings for a major kitchen renovation. Decisions decisions...hmmm

I know what you mean the money is send before you get it , that is a tough decision , if got a night time job you could still enjoy the day time in summer.
just vacuumed the living room and got my tree up (still need to decorate it). Just sitting back and relaxing for a bit, I should eat something too.
Gonna get dinner, and then take myself to Michigan Ave to grab some pictures that I need to get.
Just had turkey & mashed potatoes since I didn't have turkey yesterday. Now may be going to get my hair trimmed by my daughter's friend.
I know what you mean the money is send before you get it , that is a tough decision , if got a night time job you could still enjoy the day time in summer.

No..not working two jobs at the same time ever again if I can help it. Besides when I did that, we owed the IRS thousands of dollars for making too much money with 4 jobs between us.
Could you do the kitchen in stages and with a good deal of DIY without working this summer? That is working for someone else but instead on your own kitchen?

We plan on doing DIY on the kitchen but I am very OCD about finishing a job that I start. I will drive myself nuts waiting each stage. I need it done at once. The money I could potentially save up could be enough for doing a whole kitchen overhaul so it is tempting to get a job during the summer.
No..not working two jobs at the same time ever again if I can help it. Besides when I did that, we owed the IRS thousands of dollars for making too much money with 4 jobs between us.

I did not say work two jobs at once , I said if had a night time job you could have the day free to enjoy summer.
I did not say work two jobs at once , I said if had a night time job you could have the day free to enjoy summer.

Hoh I thought u were talking about during the school year. I will have to see if the colleges offer positions teaching ASL at night.
Getting ready to head south to downtown Chicago. Just waiting for the #151 to get here.
WHOA. Lincoln Park Zoo has got some AMAZING Christmas decorations. I'll upload them when I can.
What did you eat yesterday?

Surf & Turf. Filet Mignon & Crab Cake. My sisters decided to go to a fancy dish restaurant. They had turkey & mashed potatoes on the menu, but the price was ridiculous so I got something worth the money.