What are you doing on Sept 11?

Thats a great posting , RR... TB and PW will take me to hospital tomorrow morning for my knee surgery... I will remember the Sept 11 s incident its so sad tho.. pray for who lost loved ones and etc...
Since i m nite off tomorrow so i m plan go visit see mah old good friend for visit then might come home to rest my nite off
Ive had a busy weekend--was out of town and stayed up all hours of the nights which Im not used to since I work early hours schedule.

I had this day taken off from work as mini-vacation and didn't realize this is the anniversary day of 9/11 until I saw it on the news. I will think about 9/11 and the horrible memories of that day plus all the courage of the people at the disaster site. May God bless all those who have died and that they rest in peace.
9/11 should be a national holiday for rememberance.

Why Couldnt Pearl Harbor Attacks Be a National Holiday too? I remember i still had to work on december 7th. And Kids still went to school on December 7th.

**pausing to take couple minutes** (to remember and honor all who perished this day)

--watching on the History channel, the many engineers (structural, industrial, ground, etc.) working together during their attempts in rescuing potential survivors, the massive cleanup, repairing and containing the wall deep below the site--to keep water out from flooding the area....etc.,.--
Doesn't want remembered what happend the horrible things...

Made me break heart every inch ways...

*pausing felts wrenching*

Will not forgetten 9/11
I don't do watch the TV for this day, but I seen on "Native Soils" on the Court TV about 1 and half weeks ago.
I think it is good documentary, but it's sad! :ugh3: That is terrible memories.
It sucked when I watch over again from 9/11! I hating to see them of 9/11
events again. That's feel me pain memories!
By the way, I do shredding for my job at my home.

By tonight, I will go to store for buying milk, eggs, and food