What are the pitfalls of being a deaf parent of hearing kids?

Just curious--

Deaf Parents (BOTH parents are deaf)
Does your hearing children have a good level of English?

I knew a hearing schoolmate in my high school who got a Deaf brother and Deaf mother, but she got a whole Spanish-speaking family so she NEVER spoke English at her home even though her Deaf brother knows English but not so good. Her level of English is BAD but then it could be because she doesn't use the language at her home...

How long does it take for your hearing child to finally catch up with the "normal/average" level of English?
My son level of english is very high..he is ahead of most kids his age with his vocabulary and comprehensions skills. My wife and I both sign and speak and my son is learning sign ( he 5). a lot of time, I watch tv with no sounds, so he is learning how to read quickly as well...He loves to read and listen to books. I think that helps a lot. Most Koda kids I met are usually ahead of their peer vocabulary wise..cuz they are exposed to more of the world..same as my son. that's my theory anyway (smile)

Dodge Trucker, I can't thank u enough for your in sight. I have a 13 yr old and my hearing is getting worse. She has a bad teenage habit of looking away when talking,which we are working on. She does get frustrated when I ask her to repeat what someone said or what she has said, But I'm at a loss as to waht I can do. I don't know sign language and she doesn't want to learn it anyway.I"ve resorted to telling her that if she wants something and asking for it when not looking at me I'm not going to ask her to repeat it, she just doesn't get what she wants becasue I didn't understand her becasue of her not looking at me or mumbling to the point that I can't read her lips.It seems to be a little bit better. She also tends to be a little bit loud, but I didn't know it until I got an amplifier. Now I can monitor her volume a little bit better.Thanks Fairymist
Lantana said:
Do not judge until you have walked a mile in their moccasins.

I think the ELDERLY deaf take more advantage of their hearing children than the younger adults do. I know many CODAS with elderly deaf parents who are stuck taking them to doctors appointments, etc. If the assistant living home takes them to the doctor, it costs more and most elderly deaf cannot afford this, so they depend on their adult children.

I have walked more than a mile in my ex-boyfriend's moccasins for 3 years. I'm HOH and he is CODA, 45 yrs old. He suffered his deaf parents' dependency since he was small and moved out on his own at early age because of that. He hated deaf culture because he went thru their bad side of deaf friends who abused him. He still have low self-esteem and low motivation in life. Now he lives with his deaf mother for 2 years after we broke up for several personal reasons and his father passed away few months ago. I did went to his funeral. Very sad that his mother is still dependent on her son and another CODA son who always get drunk.

It is never a good idea to use hearing children for their deaf parents' personal errands.