What are jobs for slow person?

I was slow because my uncle told me slow.

Hello there!

May I ask a few questions to understand better your situation? If so...

Firstly when he said your "slow" did he explained what you are slow at? This could varies person to person and therefore could means one thing to a person than another (for example typing for one person while another could be slow at getting around and so on).
Hello there!

May I ask a few questions to understand better your situation? If so...

Firstly when he said your "slow" did he explained what you are slow at? This could varies person to person and therefore could means one thing to a person than another (for example typing for one person while another could be slow at getting around and so on).
I'm also wondering if it was an insult and he meant intellectually slow.
I'm also wondering if it was an insult and he meant intellectually slow.

Unfortunately this is sadly a "thing" where a person may be genuinely be diagnosed to have a processing disorder or another one that has such a symptom. Making it very difficult for one to do "everyday" tasks.

I had experienced this first hand thus understanding that this is not an exaggeration at all. I felt like I was unable to maintain a communication likely due to such a case that I could not control nor be an assistant towards. :(

With that all said IF that is the case, I am sure there still ways to minimize the difficulties required and/or the environment could be accounted for this. So this person can still obtain a paying job that he/she much desires. As there places designed to do just that at whatever ways they can.

I am sorry if I offended anyone but I only meant to add what I experienced and aware at the time what could possibly be done.
People are quick to express mundane opinions. Every kind of characteristic about an individual exists out there, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Can’t satisfy everyone’s standards or beliefs. Assuming you are of sound mental and physical health, just look for something that goes with your pace. Or seek help, not from critics.
People are quick to express mundane opinions. Every kind of characteristic about an individual exists out there, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Can’t satisfy everyone’s standards or beliefs. Assuming you are of sound mental and physical health, just look for something that goes with your pace. Or seek help, not from critics.

Couldn't said it better myself except the fact even people who are not "mentally and/or physically sounded" are able to still obtain help with whatever they may need it in. Thus still able to live an enjoyable life assuming they get help from the right sort of people. :)
hmmm.... a very slow response from OP....
It doesn't hurt to ask is that he/she wants someone else's opinion on their experiences. Or maybe there is someone who is slow at thinking or slow in moving or slow in speaking...doesn't mean they are any less of us. That would be RUDE to even think that

People of abled and disabled are going to point fingers at everyone... that is just human nature to do that. We really need to stop that $#!&! What does that say about the disabled community? We are better than that.

Anywho, the person who started this thread, you could make boxes at a factory or bag groceries at a mama and papa store, or mop/sweep floors/ or be a janitor?

Now as far as your Uncle said that you are slow... can you elaborate?
It doesn't hurt to ask is that he/she wants someone else's opinion on their experiences. Or maybe there is someone who is slow at thinking or slow in moving or slow in speaking...doesn't mean they are any less of us. That would be RUDE to even think that

People of abled and disabled are going to point fingers at everyone... that is just human nature to do that. We really need to stop that $#!&! What does that say about the disabled community? We are better than that.

Anywho, the person who started this thread, you could make boxes at a factory or bag groceries at a mama and papa store, or mop/sweep floors/ or be a janitor?

Now as far as your Uncle said that you are slow... can you elaborate?

What is elaborate?
This means to add more information/expand upon.

Right. I have misfortune because I have diarrhea problem when I rush to the toilet. I lost job because of diarrhea. I'm sorry about my question is little mess. I was slow when I have problem. I'm looking for part time/full time job pay good salary.
Right. I have misfortune because I have diarrhea problem when I rush to the toilet. I lost job because of diarrhea. I'm sorry about my question is little mess. I was slow when I have problem. I'm looking for part time/full time job pay good salary.

Was this informed to the person who you worked for that you had this? Because if you had they should had understood and if your in a work in like food and/or etc even allowed to go home until it passed. All while retaining your job.

IF you haven't then I could see why they probably misunderstood why you were not working productive enough. As if this the case they could not tell it apart between your abilities or an issue like this.

Either way it still make no sense to me on why you would be fired for being "slow" for a day or so "off the bat". They should had minimally met with you and tried to help to understand your situation before "giving you the axe" from the "get go".
Actually, I was fired for went to the restroom.

Just going to it?? That is very absurd if that indeed the case.

So far it seems to me that you probably just need to find a better person to work for as it seems that your abilities is NOT the barrier here. But rather just the situational things that ALL bosses should be an understanding of. EVERYONE get sick and as they says "everyone poops".

If that is indeed all correct I would honestly not concern yourself with a slower pace unless that you still feel like you require/want that in a new job. :)
Perhaps find a job that doesnt require you to work too far from the restroom. And you should tell your "new" boss once you apply for the job that you have a serious situation that is not in your control, perhaps get a doctor to write a slip so that any company you apply for can see right off that you need a job but have this problem. Have you tried to get SSI?

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