Hi! Thanks for all the input and info. Yes your right the cut-off IS at 1.5k but what I was saying is that my audiologist set mine to be 2.5k, I do not know why, but he did. I also had him crank up the high freq to try and get more clarity in speech, but its not helping at all, in fact its making more noise than anything. I also notice that when I am walking near the street close to traffic, that I still cant hear cars behind me, but I hear lots of annoying noise and whenever someone tries to talk to me, I hear nothing but static that starts and stops as they speak. I still use total communication even with my new Naida V UPs, but I really like the new sounds that I am hearing. Tonight my twin sister, also deaf, heard a fly and screamed and nearly gave me a heart attack! I tried to listen for it, but didnt hear it. I have been able to hear things that were so mysterious and unknown before. I cant belive how noisy the world really is. I had better hearing (moderatly severe) growing up, but it slowly went away. I actually heard my hearing go away, I went to an ENT and AuD, and told them that I can no longer hear my own voice and he looked at my ear and said it was fine. 8 months later, and much less hearing later, he said that I have a eustatcian tube problem ,plague and holes on my eardrums and some kind of fluid in my skull that cant be removed, but I am worried about seeing an ENT again though, no more surgery for me. I have had my fill of them, eye and ear surgeries. I am also blind (20/1600) the best vision I ever had thanks to new glasses. My twin and I were born 3 months early and the wierd thing is, is that she has worse hearing than me, and i have worse vision. Its very wierd, we are mirror-image identical twins. Everything is opposite. After a seizure (epilepsy), I feel weakness on mt left side of my body, her siezures make her right side weak. We have opposite personalities too, I am the more "silly, and wild one" out of the two of us, she is more serious and organized. lol
We both are accomplished musicians as well. We started writing music at age 6 and still write and perform music to this day, however, I am frustrated though with my hearing because I have an 800watt amp that I cant get loud enough to hear without it being right next to me, but with my new hearing aids, the amp is too much signal for my HAs and the Icom, the signal is very wavy sounding and not pure, too much noise. However today, I was reminded of "how deaf" as my friend says, we are. We played original music for Austin white cane day festival and we played on stage with full stack speakers and monitors everywhere. I also had a monitor right next to me at ear level and could hear it well with one hearing aid in, I could feel the air coming out of the speaker at me. Everything sounded great and I could really hear it. My hearing friend told me later, that she was in pain the whole time. I cant belive that what hurts hear ears, is perfect volume to me. I live in an upstairs apt, and I cant have my amp in my studio up loud enough without shaking the floor and having the cops called, which did happen, lol. So, I am trying to find a way to be able to hear at the volume I need without distorting my hearing aids, ruining my headphones that dont get near loud enough or kill my studio speaker. lol My monitor headphones(100db sensitive) are falling apart because the drivers inside cant pull enough volume and they rattle a lot when I wear them. I also use DAI button cables like the old auditory trainers from the 70s and those practically shake out of the earmold!
(thats the end of my ranting and raving session! lol)
I live for writing and playing music (synthesizers and piano mostly) and I will never quit no matter what. I will just adjust as best I can. I have found that there are other deaf musicians here as well, Awesome.

Any suggestions on amps and db's?
Anyway, trying to stay positive. AD.com is a great place and I talk about it a lot to my sis. She says HI to everyone too. (sorry for the long post)!
Take care everyone.