What apps do you have on your mobile phone?


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Do you have any apps installed on your mobile phone?

What apps would you like to see down the road? Do you use any apps that enables or helps you with your communication? With other things like buying online? Enjoyment? Mapping? Comparison shopping. Etc... What are some of the things you don't like about (e.g. texting, small screen, slow connection, etc) and what you'd like to see down the road as improvements. What are some of the things that can help deaf or hard of hearing people who use mobile phones?

Examples of "apps":

Apple - iPhone - Download thousands of iPhone applications.
TV.com, mVideoPlayer, Hi AIM, AP Mobile, 1Cast, Compass, Connect Four, Tic Tac Toe (It has porn content inside after you hit X at 3 times), PdaNet (used for tethering), Speed Test, Screebl Lite (used to save the battery), The Weather Channel, Ustream Viewer, Zedge, Xbox Live Avatar Widget, Mippin, Google Goggles, Facebook, DroidLight and Dictionary.

I love mVideoPlayer that has subtitle support by use srt to watch video so great for deaf people and english as second language.
Skyfire, Opera Mini, FB, youTube.

I should get more, but I just use the web browsers for pretty much everything.
I have BB. on my main screen, there are only 6 icons - camera. mailbox. IM folder (rarely used). gmap. WeatherEye. internet browser.

I mostly use txt and gmap. that's it. anything else.... I CBF'ed. I have 2 computers at home and I work behind computer for living. I've had enough "computer" in my life so when I'm out... my eyes are on scenery.
Beejive IM, MSN Messenger, AIM Messenger, Opera Mini, Facebook, UberTwitter, Flickr, Google apps (Gmail, Google Maps, Google Mobile and so on.)

And OpenOffice apps.
There's some such like Mobile Banking, Myspace, Facebook, and some other that I don't use very much on my blackberry bold, but I am considering to use the Mobile Banking soon.
I have plenty of games and useless apps installed on my phone. I would like to see more apps for learning asl though.
none - I own LG EnV3. Once my contract with Verizon is up I may either purchase a BB on a new Verizon plan or go to AT&T for an iPhone.
I own sprint blackberry curve 8830 :D I Love it so much have AIM , yahoo messanger and google talk and blackberry messager.. ahh it's real nicer than my old sk2.. ugh yeah I needed a new pager so bad so finally got the current blackberry I have since last dec of 2009 :D no more tmobile cuz tmobile was giving me more headache and I accidently gave a stupid friend my ph nbr she used it for aim sheesh.... and I got too many text messages from unknown numbers and it pissed me off but now it's nicer that nobody can call me cuz they removed a chip from my blackberry so so far it works real NICE :thumb:
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Thread is moved to proper location.
Wirelessly posted

Wi-fi wireless tether for root users, google maps with turn by turn navigation, sportstap, cardiotrainer, viamici, titanium backup, google earth, dictionary.com, xScope browser, tic tac toe, you tube app, ustream viewer beta, mobile defense, wavesecure, googletalk, aim, google mail, astro file viewer, pandora, slacker, last.fm, opera mini 5, dolphin browser, temp monitor, setcpu (overclocked to 1.0 GHz), handcents, shop savvy, goggles, google sky map, amazon app, bedside, drocap2, anycut, wifi analyzer, tricorder, touiteur, where, ultrachron lite, uHud, radar, palmary weather, the weather channel app, gps status, google translate, safe neighborhood, waze, taskiller, terminal emulator, mototorch led, mobile banking, my tracks, system info, real time traffic, rpn calculator, pro zoom camera 5.

running bugless beast 0.7.6 rom with psycho sprecovery 0.99.3b on my moto droid.