WFD now bans "deaf-mute" and "hearing impaired"

Still maybe there needs to be a term for it. It is going to become very rare
When I think voice off, I think " Deaf person who ONLY signs" and doesn't even have hearing aids or CIs at ALL.

Me too :)
Why am I having visions of the three monkeys?

Hear no evil
Speak no evil
See no evil

I wonder if some see mute as implying something negative (like the monkeys).

I think "deaf" is sufficient. Usually people are surprised when a deaf person wants to speak for themselves so no qualifier for speech is really needed.
Saying "mute" is usually an indication of a person who is *unable* to use his/her voice to communicate rather than it to mean choosing not to use one's voice to communicate when one can do so anyway.
Saying "mute" is usually an indication of a person who is *unable* to use his/her voice to communicate rather than it to mean choosing not to use one's voice to communicate when one can do so anyway.

A mute is someone born without vocal cords.
From mute - definition of mute by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Usage Note: In reference to people who are unable to speak, mute and deaf-mute are now often considered objectionable. The offense is due not only to the bluntness of these terms but also to the implication that a person who is incapable of oral speech is necessarily deprived of the use of language. In fact, many deaf people today communicate naturally and fully through the use of a sign language such as ASL, and no one who has witnessed such a conversation would ever think to call the participants mute.

Can understand above, but deaf mute still ok with me.

It's a quick way to explain people depedent on spoken language that you aren't going to use voice with them, instead of appear rude when saying "I can speak, but don't want to use voice with you", or lie and say "I can't speak". Mute for me means that my natural state is voice off. Deaf voice off also ok, but harder for hearing people to gasp?

Can we turn "deaf mute" into something positive, perhaps into a rejection of the importance of speech, instead of explaining that "mute" is wrong from a linguistic perspective. Or would speech loving people, hoh, deaf or hearing, object that idea?
Why am I having visions of the three monkeys?

Hear no evil
Speak no evil
See no evil

I wonder if some see mute as implying something negative (like the monkeys).

I think "deaf" is sufficient. Usually people are surprised when a deaf person wants to speak for themselves so no qualifier for speech is really needed.
Yes, but what about deaf people with CI who still hate to use speech, or can't? Some families have high expectations to CI. Deaf mute/voice off with CI could clarify and lessen some burdens for those?
I've never been a fan of the word mute. I can't explain why. Guess it just feels "negative" to me, but that's just me. I like the term voice-off much better although I understand the meanings behind the two words are different.
When I was a kid, my Dad had notepads customized with the print--- "I'm deaf". Then when I ask people to write, I would give then notepad. They'll see "I'm deaf". Cannot believe print store would do this. Go figure....
Oh, I thought it was supposed to be the name of the print store dereksbicycle was talking about, but thanks!
maybe WFD should really mean We Fix Deaf or Why Fix Deaf.
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From mute - definition of mute by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Can understand above, but deaf mute still ok with me.

It's a quick way to explain people depedent on spoken language that you aren't going to use voice with them, instead of appear rude when saying "I can speak, but don't want to use voice with you", or lie and say "I can't speak". Mute for me means that my natural state is voice off. Deaf voice off also ok, but harder for hearing people to gasp?

Can we turn "deaf mute" into something positive, perhaps into a rejection of the importance of speech, instead of explaining that "mute" is wrong from a linguistic perspective. Or would speech loving people, hoh, deaf or hearing, object that idea?

in that case I dont think you should be a member there, given that theres tons written about bad history associations with these words in the past (and in present's crass ignorance which many people still shows! (just read the simple witness this persistence)...
Hearing Impaired shouldnt be banned either, because this delinates who is not culturally Deaf and this still prefers to function in the hearing world but with deep audiological deafness, or to those IN the Deaf world describes those with a Lot more residential hearing, 'hearing like hard of hearing'...but they identify themselves as "'hearing impaired"...

WFD banning both is stupid, and obviously they arent' listening to us...