Welly ya interested?

wow, I didn't know that you create your thread here...

What you hate about yourself?

What you like about yourself?

What do you plan for your future dream wish?

What kind of hobbies, you have?

What you like about ADer here?

Would you like to meet ADer around here one day? If yes, then who?

What's your favorite color?
Liebling:-))) said:
wow, I didn't know that you create your thread here...

What you hate about yourself? low self esteem sometimes.

What you like about yourself? being sweet & friendly girl. :)

What do you plan for your future dream wish? working with disabled adults or kids.

What kind of hobbies, you have? outdoors, movies, i collect beanie babies BEARS ONLY....

What you like about ADer here? posting and carry on conversation, that also includes making friends ;)

Would you like to meet ADer around here one day? If yes, then who? magatsu, roadrunner, the twins, taylor, long lost favorite guy ( SS22) , anyone who i keep in touch with.

What's your favorite color?
navy blue & forrest green
What is your best memories you ever had in ur life?

Why do we have to change the clock foward and back.. why not just keep the same time all year?

and my most famous question.... i forgot to ask you.
What's the difference between the male and the female angler fish.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
What is your best memories you ever had in ur life?

h.s. years -- being picked on almost every single day in p.e. year ( lots of fun) surprised my friend and she was shocked that i came, and it made me felt good about myself. :)

Why do we have to change the clock foward and back.. why not just keep the same time all year? cuz days and nights are messed up. :-P *shrugs*

and my most famous question.... i forgot to ask you.
What's the difference between the male and the female angler fish.
don't ask me, i dont care about fishes. :-P