around monday and friday, I was dating another girl whom I known back in middle school and she was dating one of my best friends and then my friend dumped her because he thought she was stupid and stuff anyway I figured I give it a try and go out with her and see how it goes.
I gotta admit it, she is pretty nice and sweet....but can be alittle stranger than the last girl, my ex was. she tries to have a little conversation with the people she doesn't even know in public...of course, on monday, her parents took her to the mall and she and her mother were waiting for me at the movies and as I came, her mother left us some privacy and then as we went to get some lunch before the movie starts, so we have alittle chit chat about school and classmates and my friends and stuff, etc...had alittle laugh and everything so she is nice but can be alittle bit strange and rude in some parts like she told me she's moving to an apartment and met the girl who would be her roommate and she said she didnt' like her just because she's "disabled" :roll: It's not her fault that she's disabled or something you know so you can't just dislike someone for being that some people can't just dislike me just because I'm deaf and that would be a pretty stupid reason, right? so anyway...she is alittle disabled herself. has to take medication and stuff because she has side effects or something like that and as she opens the containers and eat the pills, her hands were kind of shaking abit, like she's having a nervous breakdown or something..I don't really know why but it's obvious that she has health problems, so her parents are getting her as much help as they can to help her stay in shape and everything like that. so, anyway, um, I already get the feeling that she already liked me from the start because of my appearance...I wore baggy pants, a buttoned-up shirt and spiced my hair with gel, was on monday though...but to be honest, I don't really find her "hot" at all but I find her to be nice and senstive...but has a weird sense of humor and her jokes aren't much laughable, so I was forced to laugh to make her think that she's funny...*nervous chuckle* so to be honest, there is no comparisons between that girl I dated and my for my ex, she has style and great humor and thats what made me loved her the most...her humor because I love to laugh all the time. But the girl, named Kelly, who I dated was ehhhh not so much fun to be with but don't get me wrong, she is a good friend though and I just think I would rather be friends with her. when we got inside the movies, while we were watching "monster in law" (kelly wanted to see that :roll: ) then she started to touch my arm and wanted to hold my hand...I didn't ask for that so I just went and held her hand while watching the entire movie and then I kissed on her cheek to see if she likes it but she looks pretty nervous and red lol so I guess she wasn't ready for that yet lol so we didn't do much in there expect text messaging other people on my phone and kelly was text messaging one of my friends, shannon, whom I known her since elementary. she's a pretty cool gal. got style, humor, and attiude...although she may be a lesbian, but she's fun to hang out with. Kelly has been talking to shannon on the phone nearly everyday before I went out with Kelly...of course, Kelly's really talkactive and everything, but shannon didn't really like her calling her everyday as it was getting alittle annoying so she perfer to talk to her on the phone just once in awhile lol...anyway, my date with kelly on monday was just OK...nothing much exciting or thrilling as my first date with my ex was.
Then on friday, shannon, her sister, and I went back to the same mall to see kelly there again...shannon knew kelly back in middle school also so it has been like, nearly 8 or 9 years since the last time they seen eachother lol
so we went to grab a snack before going into the movies...we went to see "traveling pants" (kelly wanted to see that also :roll: ugh girly movies are just not my taste...I wanted to see "House of Wax"!! but nnnoo Kelly said she's too scared to see that one) so while the movie is showing, kelly started to hold my hand again so I didn't really feel like holding her hand so I had no choice but to hold her hand so i won't hurt her feelings anyway...then she started touching my lips with her fingure and then put her face closer to my face and as she opened her mouth to my mouth, so I thought she wanted to kiss me so I kiss her back but she didn't kiss me...she FRENCH KISSED ME! ><
seriously, her breath smells kind of strange and she even smells kind of strange too than the last time I was with her...perhas she didn't bathe much or something
Anyway, while we are in the theatre, and we talked to eachother through text messaging on my phone so to keep our conversation quite...she told me that she loves now she SERIOUSLY loves me already?!?!
excuse me, any of you consider this abit TOO fast on our second date? because I do! I do love her, but I'm not IN love with her! I only just accept her as a friend, but she wants me to be more than friends with her because she've been dying to go out on a date with me after she heard that I liked her but she misunderstood...I don't like her MORE than a friend...I only like her as a friend but she kept getting that part misunderstood :roll: so thats when I figured that she's sort of a little of a...well, I don't mean to say that but a NUTCASE! She said she wanted me to be her boyfriend now because she's tired of being single for a long time...wweeeelll excuse me there are alot of people out there who've been single for a long time but don't give up trying! I've been single for awhile when my ex and I've broke and just be friends instead so I dunno...since I've left her, I'm COMLETELY single now so I'm just out to look for the right person in my life...not to look for any girl that I date to be in a relationship immediately! geez...she's going abit overboard already so thats when I feel that I dont think I wanted to hang out with her alone anymore so I perfer my other friends like shannon and others to hang out with me and kelly so that it won't give us much privacy and that way, it'll avoid her to keep trying to make out with her! I've already told her that we can just date as friends but I don't want to go through the same path as I did with my ex because we went too fast and fight alot and everything, etc...then in the end, she dumped me and wanted us to be friends instead. So I wanted her back really bad but just had to respect her decision and move on. But Kelly said she will never dump me...oookay that's sweet but I don't want a relationship right now..and I don't think I want to be with Kelly either. In fact, she has told me that she wanted to date other guys, so I thought she is going to do that anytime soon and she said she might and I'm like, "OOOOKAY." then she shouldn't ask me to be her boyfriend right away when she wants to date other people...even some people she wanted to see in NJ then she should NOT ask me to be her boyfriend at that moment! it's nuts! it's so obvious that she's alittle strange inside her head. So anyway...shannon agrees that she is going abit too fast on me and I told kelly that i'm not looking for a relationship...but just looking for the right person and I told kelly that I may not be the right person for her just because I'm nice and bought her food and movie ticket and stuff...and it was just a DATE! dating doesn't require french kissing or sex talk or anything like that. she tried to figure out my privacy with my ex and stuff so I thought she was alittle bit rude asking me if I'm a virgin and stuff so I didn't feel much comforable talking with her that way.
eh...anyway, I was just glad that she finally understood that we are JUST friends, even though she may "love" me as she menitoned but I don't really feel any chemistry or physical attraction with her or anything like that...but I would only respect her and treat her as a friend, nothing else.
I hope what I did was the right thing...if so, please tell me what I'm missing here.
Here is a pic of Kelly that I've dated on Monday and I don't think I want to date her again but would rather just hang out with her sometime.
Anyway, I'm still gonna continue to look out for other girls that I can date...
personally, I'm trying to find a hot black girl who got style and groove, along with a fine booty!

hopefully she isn't much too judgmental about people with disablities like Kelly is :roll:
anyway, sorry for this lenght of post I've made there! you know I love to talk sometimes lol