"Welcome to...



real life!!"

Dont you hate it when people say that? I was talking to my birth mom today and she totally pissed me off. I told her I wanted to quit my job because I dont deserve to be treated like shit. I want to vent so if u dont care for this then stop reading. :)

Me: I dont think I'll go this fall because Im trying to get a new job still
Mom: why would getting a job stop you from attending?
Me: Because I may have to work 2 jobs because I havent been able to find a job that pays what I make now
Me: Plus I dont know how flexible in schedule my new job would be, or if it has health insurance. I cant get vocational rehab assistance without health insurance
Me: And if I got a job without health insurance, I could apply for MN care health ins. but i have to go off health ins for 6 months
Mom: you can pay for your own health insurance - Jeff did for some time
Me: Which means VR would drop me until I got health insurance
Mom: so apply for individual coverage someplace now
Me: I cld get MN care, which I'd pay for, but like I said I would have to go 6 months without insurance
Mom: but I thought you had it?
Me: I have health insurance through my work
Mom: so if you're getting a second job, who cares if it has ins?
Mom: you'll be covered on the first
Me: Because i want to quit my first job
Me: its fucking stupid
Me: Im sick of being treated like dirt and everytime I try to solve the problem people tell me that im being dumb or its not a big deal.
Mom: welcome to life - where you put up with lots of things you don't like to make a living
Me: I dont have to work at a bead store for the rest of my life
Mom: so you'd rather risk school and insurance?
Me: If you want to put it that way, yes.
Mom: if you don't finish college, you WILL be working at bead stores the rest of your life
Me: I'll finish college.
Mom: you can't get anywhere as an unskilled laborer
Mom: maybe by the time you're 30 if you're lucky

This is the woman who told me that if i didnt go back to school right after i graduated from HS, I'd have to work 2 full time jobs - she expected me to work 16 hours a day. And if I went back to school, she expected me to go full time and work full time as well. Cause thats what SHE did. Hello, I'm not you! :) She sounds supportive doesnt she? Bah. She was like this the whole year I lived with her, it was really unbearable. It was a large reason why I moved back home with my dad. I felt like telling her, HELLO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE I GRADUATED FROM HS IN 2002! Ugh. Parents. She thinks she can lecture me because she spent a total of 3 years constantly in my life and because shes my birth mother. You dont even wanna hear the rest of the convo.

Thanks for listening.
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I know exactly how you feel. I graduated from high school and went straight to community college. I started my first year as full-time in college, but later went part-time or none during the years after that. I ended up working full-time. I did this for five years. During my years at one job, I got a second full-time job and it became hell for me. Imagine me getting up at 6 am in order to get ready and be on the road to beat rush hour for work at 8 am. I finish work at 4:30 pm and have to hurry home to get ready for my other job. I start my other job between 5 pm and 5:30 pm. I then work all the way until after 1 am. I usually get home around 2 am and manage to get a few hours of sleep before getting up again for my first job. This went on for several months and became extremely overwhelming for me. Of course, I never had health insurance with any of my jobs. I don't think I've had health insurance for years. :dunno:
I dunno if it is good idea to drop health insurance. If you gotten into a car accident and broke many bones, how would you pay your medical bills without health insurance? :dunno:
tekkmortal said:
I dunno if it is good idea to drop health insurance. If you gotten into a car accident and broke many bones, how would you pay your medical bills without health insurance? :dunno:

Thats the only reason I cant quit my job right now, health insurance. I'd need another that has it, or go 6 months without, but then I cant go to school.
pinkster said:
Thats the only reason I cant quit my job right now, health insurance. I'd need another that has it, or go 6 months without, but then I cant go to school.

Not fun to argue about life with a parent...parents are like that when it comes to issues on life. My parents do that once in a while with me, too. I hope u do the best in college and prove ur mom wrong, it's the only way. :)
dang.. yeah since I don't work full-time job yet but I work part-time for almsot 4 years but I worked 2nd job probably for xmas time only but it wasn't enough but if I got 2nd job I wud be too busy and never wud have time for anything :roll: at least I wish u the best of luck whatever u do pinkster ;)
i feel ya p inky....

I'm on Fulltime job.. and had 1 class last spring.. this fall i'm not taking any class :( but still working full time.. hopefully spring i'm gonna change into part time job and go college full time.. *praying*
why would VR drop you if you had health insurance?? I am a VR major and a client myself. I have never heard that but then again I am from Cali
I feel for you Pinkie, *hugs*

Some parents thinks they can keep running and controlling their children's life....I wouldn't do that to any of my children....It's their life and whenever they need my help or advice, I'll be there in a heartbeat! ;)

Do whatever you feel in your heart that is best for only you, and go for it girl!
BabyPhat21 said:
why would VR drop you if you had health insurance?? I am a VR major and a client myself. I have never heard that but then again I am from Cali

In Minnesota you are required to have health insurance in order for VR to accept you as a client. Which I really think is stupid.
Hi there,

I'm glad to hear you're doing something to stop the bad feelings you have gone through for a while. I believe you can do it. Good luck! :thumb:

Also don't let anyone who does not have the faith in you put you down. Just go with your gut and instincts!