Originally posted by Freaky
Hi lilfreakcat, welcome to ADv2 and enjoy posting!! Can you share some details about yourself and your hobbies so we can learn more about yourself? Thanks, lilfreakcat, once again... welcome to ADv2!
Originally posted by lilfreakcat
hi freaky and thanks for welcoming me to AD =D. umm i am a 18 years old senior at HS in my hometown. i love pets, piercings, body modifications, sleeping, going online and act like a retard sometimes, lol. umm i dunno what to say anymore so yeah i'm deaf AND have a deaf family also so yea that's all...
Originally posted by SilenceGold
lilfreakcat, welcome!
Make sure you make some postings to keep us all interesting..
If you act like a retard sometimes, you would be a perfect match with bbnt. :p