Welcome back former/old AD'ers!


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
I have noticed a lot lately, that there is plenty of comebacks from the past, unlike they left many years ago for despite their reasons known. But today, in modern age, they have returned once again......Welcome back to AD and do us a favour, STAY!
Can't do your favor to STAY since some people have to do something else better than staying alldeaf.
Not stay in alldeaf 24/7 but like the others, three times a week, si?
cheers jake, assumming I'm included :lol: it was as you can all see june 2004 i joined, but I am I admit not a frequent poster, I find all deaf goes through phases, the juvenile sexual innuendo which I can not be bothered with, and when that prevails i take a long walk, but I'm not one to judge, each to their own. I have my choice if it's not my cup of tea so to speak then I don't need to visit. but recently there's a few people's comments that interest me, so here I am again, haunting the bloody lot of ye :lol:

good luck folks, each and everyone of us will use it for different wants and needs, don't be swayed by others opinions. enjoy it, but don't abuse it.
HI! I'm probably counted as one of those "OLD Ones" in more sense than one. :lol:

And to explain My own reasons for going silent here for so long was simple, My work at the time prohibited these boards, (I'm now laid off) and with me being an IT guy, I seldom had enough time off in the evenings or weekends to sit down at my personal pc... :(
cheers jake, assumming I'm included :lol: it was as you can all see june 2004 i joined, but I am I admit not a frequent poster, I find all deaf goes through phases, the juvenile sexual innuendo which I can not be bothered with, and when that pr cup of tea so to speak then I don't need to visit. but recently there's a few people's comments that interest me, so here I am again, haunting the bloody lot of ye :lol:

good luck folks, each and everyone of us will use it for different wants and needs, don't be swayed by others opinions. enjoy it, but don't abuse it.
Well say.
Seems other deaf forums .... gone so Alldeaf is only most activing deaf forum.
It is and always will be, the best there is, the best there ever will be. TagDeaf? :thumbd: meh.
There was a rare sighting of the member, Complicated yesterday.
Yeah, see --guys, some oldies are returning from the grave.

And yes, Alex prolly have persuded them to come back here, G-Tree!
curious, who was the owner of alldeaf in 2002?

The only and one ALEX.

am suppose to be old fart if i actually LISTEN to Jolie77 in years ago. But, i decided to give a try in pretty recently [almost a year ago]. Yikes.

I thank to Jolie. [thanks mommy]