Wedding announcments with unfortunate last names


how 'well they match up' should not matter if you love the girl and the girl loves you. Go get an entirely new last name if you are that worried about 'perfectly matching' first and last names.

You set yourself up to fail with that kind of a mindset.

Except the fact that my last name comes from Britian, and how many women want to marry a man with my last name?
Except the fact that my last name comes from Britian, and how many women want to marry a man with my last name?

I have seen your last name somewhere and it is not bad at all. Very common last name. You are strange for thinking this way!
I have seen your last name somewhere and it is not bad at all. Very common last name. You are strange for thinking this way!

Only way you're gonna find it is if you go way back to when I first joined here more than 6 months ago. It may be strange, but I'm not quite open to the idea of dating just yet.


To list a few.... ;)


To list a few.... ;)

O.O I get it now. Regardless of what my last name is (thanks a lot, autocorrect), I could still marry. Oddly enough, the last person to marry into my family name was my stepmom 11 years ago. There hasn't been one since.
O.O I get it now. Regardless of what my last name is (thanks a lot, autocorrect), I could still marry. Oddly enough, the last person to marry into my family name was my stepmom 11 years ago. There hasn't been one since.

No one is going to care how your last name will sound with your future wife first name. You need to have a g/f first before you even can think about getting married.
Not so sure anyone would want to date him if they get wind of his thinking of names and how appropriate his name would be with theirs... oh forget about love and all that sparkly rainbow and unicorn farts... first we need to be sure the names sound right together!


Only way you're gonna find it is if you go way back to when I first joined here more than 6 months ago.

the search function when you look at someone's post history only goes back 500 posts-- and that's only to :dizzy: APRIL 2014:dizzy: for you.. so there is no way we'd ever see anything that far back since you have over 8,000 posts.

Found it (and I wish I hadn't now...). That is not an unusual last name at all- I don't see what couldn't go with that unless it's a duplicate name like Wilson Wilson on Home Improvement (though I think that's cool- my old PA VR counselor had a 'duplicate name'). I could tell you a few names more unusual than that (at least 2- one is German the other is Polish). Hell I'd probably like it more than mine because people seem to like to stick an S on the end of mine when there shouldn't be one! :laugh2:
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Only way you're gonna find it is if you go way back to when I first joined here more than 6 months ago. It may be strange, but I'm not quite open to the idea of dating just yet.

I don't think you understood me. I already knew your name and it is not bad at all.
Except the fact that my last name comes from Britian, and how many women want to marry a man with my last name?

I don't know of a single girl on the planet who would not marry someone just because of their significant other's name. That's just bizarre thinking. :lol:
If there is love.... I don't see any reason why one should be worried about his last name. Be happy... life is short. ;)
93 is shorter than 94.

The point was to not worry about the name. Far more important things to worry about.
93 is shorter than 94.

The point was to not worry about the name. Far more important things to worry about.

I get the point , I just happen to disagree about life being too short not everyone want to live a long time. I agree worrying about how your last name will sound with the person you married is silly . There are more importance things to be worried about. If a person does not like their name they can get it change .
Yes, because the girl is going to be looking at your last name and not everything else! :roll: When girls look at someone for a long term partner, we're looking at stability... not at your freaking last name... :roll: Yes, I know when I go out and meet a really hot chick, the first question out of my mouth is "Woah woah woah, before this gets TOO SERIOUS, WHAT IS YOUR LAST NAME!? I don't want to risk being tied down to someone where my last name could potentially be changed to something stupid or embarrassing!" :roll: Yes, that's what goes through every woman's head... I know, I'm a woman. :roll: As it stands anyway, I'm neutral and we'd duke it out rock paper scissor style to see who changed to who's name anyway... because adding another name onto mine by hyphenation is OUT OF THE QUESTION I have ENOUGH to deal with between 5! :mad:

Back on topic... Most women, and I say most because I can not speak for all because there are always different opinions... Most women want stability in a partner. If I go out in public and being in my age range ( 20's - 30's ) and he is not working... that's one strike. No education... two strikes... Any number of possibilities could be a third strike in my book personally speaking and for other women... Being a knoooooooooooow it allllllll... having terrible speeeeeeeeeeelling........ Grooming standards.... God only knows what... Statistically speaking, no education ( future earning potential ) and no job ( earning potential currently ) are the two biggest reasons women have for rejecting men in relationships. You think I'm going to get in a relationship with someone who I am going to have to support down the road? I... think... not. Am I looking for someone who is making 200K a year? Absolutely not... I am not a shallow a** muffin... However, someone who can support and hold their own is a requirement, and I refuse to date someone who is content on me supporting them. A relationship is about companionship and 50/50... and that goes for the nasty bills too... ( sometimes the other person needs a boost and things happen in the long run *in sickness and health after all* but that's in the long run not 3 months in buddy! ) I don't deal with that kind of drama, especially in a new relationship, nor do I go seeking it in a new partner.

So there's your sign!
You should have seen his post before he edited it ... he needs a girlfriend and he's gonna do something and hopes the floodgates don't open!! He's a ladies man all right! NOT!!! :roll:
Yeah, I definitely need a girlfriend. However, I dunno where I would look, but I can find a way. I just hope that I did not do something stupid. I'll find out later today if I did or not.
