Weather Alert Temperature

DreamDeaf said:
We're enjoying balmy 14 degree F weather... bundled up in long johns, used all available scarves and caps, put gloves on top of gloves, and toddled our way to work today...heh heh.

Last time I wore a hat, I took my hat off; my hair is all sticking up looking like I stick my finger in an electric outlet. :ugh: better wear a hat. We do have wind chills that brings temps to below zero FAST...and if ure not wearing, well the color black will look lovely...
Cheri said:
Last time I wore a hat, I took my hat off; my hair is all sticking up looking like I stick my finger in an electric outlet. :ugh:

we all do have that too.. hints... take fabric softener sheet.. rub it inside the hat or coat hood.. it works.. OR.. hairspray.. hehe
other wise.. look like this.. :afro:
MsGiglz, same here in Utah, it can snow and snow and schools will still be open! An exception would be if 2 feet of snow fell in 24 hours, like last Christmas 2003. Everything were closed, and nobody really hurried to get around since it was a holiday week anyway. I am praying for another 2 feeter-in-24h weather. LOL...
Here, we dont get that much snow except in rare cases...such as the Great Snow of 1983... wowza. But we do have extreme cold snaps...which is when we keep kids from school. Many of the StL kids walk to school... so ofc thats when they get to stay home and INSIDE.
It's 2 degrees right now here in Rochester, New York! We had a shitload of snow for the past couple of days. Now, it's so bright outside. I can hardly see anything out there. Heh!
It was quite cold today, 6°C, but it was really sunny, a pain when driving! The sun was too low.

Tonight will be 4°C with 12mph winds....time to get the hot chocolate out!
:pissed: at weatherman..
said expected to snow late morning and this afternoon.
it hasnt snow yet..

grr :pissed:
It's 16 degrees here and not snowing anymore, It's sunny outside but cold. brrrr....